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Oscar's pov

"Hey Oscar." Nevaeh walked into the diner with a smile.

"Nevaeh... what are you doing here? Its your day off." I rechecked the schedule.

"I know but... i just came to see if you need help anyways." She smiled at me nervously.

"Noo. You've been working this whole week. Take a day off." I handed her an envelope with her paycheck inside.

"Okay then. Well i'll go." She looked at me and waved bye as she took off.

Unfortunately Ariella was entering the diner as she was leaving.

Ariella was not afraid to let a bitch know she didnt like her.

She gave her such a dirty look.

"Hi bebe." I laugh as Ariella turned to me.

I kissed her on the lips a few times. "Dont forget about you're party tonight." She smiled at me.

"I know." I say as i snatch Aiden from her arms and watch as Malina rubs around with her stuffed animal in her hand.

"You're mom should be coming soon to pick them up." Ariella quickly kissed me back before washing her hands in the kitchen then going to serve a customer.

"Girl get out thats my job." Nova joked around as she started serving more tables.

"Well you're starting to slack on your job fat head." I laughed at Nova.

"Okay well i better go make sure the guys don't kill each other.

"Kill each other?" Nova and i said in unison.

"Yeah. Trey and Hector kind of got into a little altercation. I dont know what happened but now theres a wrench stuck in my wall." Ariella pouted.

"You want me to go straighten them out?" I raise my brow as i put Aiden back into his stroller.

"No its okay. But i also need to check on the racers edge next door. The four kids have been bickering non stop."

"Just fire them." I shrug. "Who cares? Do they really need the money?"

"Well Monse and Cesar want to save up for college. Ruby needs to pay back Mario for his car that he totaled and Jamal says he wants to buy a new mattress.." we all raised our brows at Jamal's.

"Oh and also i might be a little late for the party because i have a few meetings to go to today."

"For Nos?" I questioned.

"Yeah one for Nos. And the other is for that secret  meeting."

"Oh for your new project?" I smirked.

Ariella couldn't keep this quiet like at all.

"Its not new. Its just its finally happening!" Ariella squealed as she jumped up and down.

"Wait why am i out of the loop? Whats going on?" Nova leaned over the kitchen counter.

"Its a secret." We both spoke.

"Yeah and we cant legally talk about it." Ariella pretended to zip her lips shut and throw the key.

She is such a weirdo. Who claims this girl? ME. OSCAR FUCKIN DIAZ. She's my weirdo so its okay. I accept her and her weirdness.

Ariella's pov

"Hey can we talk?" I walked out the diner to be bothered by Nevaeh.


"About us."

"What about us?" I raise my brow at her as i made my way to my car.

"We ended off on a shittty situation. I feel like we both grew up for the better." Nevaeh explained.

"You want to talk?" I laughed a little.


"Okay then lets talk about how you became friends with my high school bullies." I grinned as i got into my car and drove away.


YESSSS i dont know why i add more stress

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YESSSS i dont know why i add more stress

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now