76- catch up

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

I was so fucking happy to be back. I missed my family. I missed my friends. I missed racing.

I was hesitant to come back at first. But when i finally did I knew I made the right the choice.

Nobody knew I was back other than Letty, Dom, Cesar and Andy.

I wanted to just lay low for a while because it would be overwhelming for everyone to ask about me.

But today i was finally going back to school. I was scared. I wasnt ready for people to talk shit and give me judgmental looks. I know word got around that I slit my wrist. I didnt need them to use it against me.

Plus it sucks that I lost Nevaeh as a friend. We haven't talked since I left. Now that I'm back I've heard through the grapevine that she's friends with Jada.

Ive been dreading this for a while but i needed to come back. I wasn't here for these fake people who will peak in high school. I was here for my future.

I was behind and i needed to catch up real quick. I was trying to graduate so i could move on from here.

I woke up and got ready for school.

"You want me to take you?" Dom asked as i walked downstairs. Dom and Letty were eating breakfast.

"No its okay. I'll drive." I smiled at him. I missed my car.

"Oh also im going to head to the gym after school. So dont worry about me okay?" I reassured them as i gave them a quick hug before leaving.

I got in my car and drove to school.

"Ariella!" Andy smiled as i got out of my car.

"Andy." I grinned as i walked up to him.
Then there was Cesar walking up to us.

"We saw each other last night." Andy laughed.

"I know." I laughed as i wrapped my arms around Cesar as we started walking up to the school entrance.

"Have you talked to Nevaeh?" Cesar asked me as we saw her talking with Jada and her friends.

"Nope. Maybe not the best idea." I sighed. She never once came to see me at the psych ward. Nothing. She did nothing.

"Its okay. You're better off." Cesar smiled at me.

I tried my best to ignore the stares as i made it into my english class.

I sat in the very back by myself. Why do people feel the need to stare?

I tried minding my own damn business by pulling out my notebook and a pencil.

Then as the teacher started class the guy in front of me turned around. "Hey." Derek smiled.

"Oh shit. I forgot you were in this class." I smiled with relief.

We didnt talk much. All i knew was that Andy was friends with him through racing. I saw him last night at the race but we didnt talk much.

I saw him at the races before but never had a conversation with him. Only in this class.

The whole class period Derek helped catch me up with everything.

Thankfully i did a lot of work in the hospital but i still had some catching up to do.

After class Derek and i continued to talk about cars.

"If you want you can bring your car over at my place one day and i can help you fix it." I offered and Derek just smiled at me.

"Okay how about tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sounds good to me." I smiled.

Then Andy and Cesar joined us at a table.

"Wait so are you still a cheerleader?" Derek asked.

"Probably not." I glanced over at Nevaeh and Jada. They were practicing some cheer routine in the courtyard together. "Dont think I want to be apart of that anyways. I just want to focus on racing."

After a quick gym session I headed straight home. Andy invited me over to his place. Cesar and Derek were there with some other people he was friends with. I was debating on going. Maybe thats what I needed. I needed to keep myself occupied and surround myself around new friends.

Small steps.

I sighed as i got into my car and drove home.

I walked to my front door and before i could open it it flew open and Oscar stood there holding baby Malina.

"Oh my god!" I squealed as a random burst of energy came out of nowhere.

"Can i hold her?" I asked and he just smiled and nodded. He handed her over to me and i melted.

"You are so beautiful." I smiled as i held her close.

Oscar smiled as he watched us interact.


"Hmm?" I continued to look at Malina as she just smiled at me with those big brown eyes.

"You wanna go get something to eat? We can catch up." He questioned nervously while he scratched the back of his neck. He only did that when he was nervous and one thing about Oscar was that he never got nervous.

"I would love too." I said caught off guard as i looked at him again. I missed him.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now