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Next day

Ariella's pov

"I cant believe Oscar didn't pick up the kids." I let out a sigh as i took Aiden from Sylvia's arms.

"Something probably came up. Don't be so hard on him." Sylvia smiled at me as she kisses Malina's forehead as she hugged her goodbye. 

"I guess theres other important things in the world other than his kids. Like Nova." I laugh as i put Aiden in his carseat.

"Oh god. What happened?" Sylvia got all worried as she glanced at me on the other side of the car.

"Your son is stupid sometimes." I let out a groan.

"Yeah.. He gets it from me." Sylvia let out a small laugh.

"But not only is he stupid. He made me look stupid." I shut the car door.


"I guess people knew that Oscar and Nova used to fuck around and so they decided to just let me look stupid."

"So you and Oscar got in a fight?"

"Yes. He took off last night." I huffed in annoyance.

"Took off where?"

"To see his other bitch." I whimper as i got ready to get in my car to head back to Freeridge.

"Ayy mija he's not going to Nova's. He loves you too much."

"He has a way of showing it." I scoffed as i went to hug Sylvia. "Thank you for watching the kids."

"Yes of course. If you need someone to watch give me a call."

"Okay i will." I smile as i get in the car.

I checked the backseat to make sure the car seats were all good.

"Malina what did you do at abuelita's house?" I started driving out of the Brentwood area.

Honestly living here didn't even sound that bad anymore. At least i'm far away from the bullshit.

"I pway." (Me not knowing how 2 years olds talk. Dont gas me😤 )

"Thats fun."

After a twenty minute drive i ended up at the shop. Oscar was really fucking up my schedule today.

He was supposed to get the kids since it was his day off because i had to help out at the shop today.

"Hi little monkey." Hector waved at Malina as i get her out the car.

"Hi." Malina smiled as she went to give him a hug. He ended up holding her as i went get Aiden and his carrier basket thingy. (Also me not knowing what its called.)

He was sound asleep. Thank the lord.

Hector followed me to the office so i could set Malina and Aiden down. They had their little area in there.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now