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Ariella's pov

"Sparky." I laugh as he dipped his nose in the bathtub.

"Doggy!" Malina laughed as she pointed at him.

"Doggy!" Malina laughed as she pointed at him

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"You are so cute." I pout as i rub his head.

Sparky just watched me as i tied my hair up so it wouldnt get wet while i give Malina a bath.

"Monkey you have to be careful." I say as she spills water out the tub.

She just laughed as she played with the bubbles.

This was her favorite time of the day.

Playing in the bath.

Now she really loves it because Terry bought her so many toys for bath time.

I love and hate him for that.

I glanced over at Sparky who just sat there and watched Malina play with the toys.

Remember when i first didnt want Sparky?

Well i changed my mind.

Im not letting this dog go anywhere.

Sparky is my baby.

He protects me, Malina and the baby. 

He watches our every move.

If i go to the bathroom he legit follows me.

Or if Oscar and i are making dinner or watching tv then Sparky will go and lay with Malina to watch out for her.

Like he is so loving.

I love him.

"Oscar did you feed Sparky?" I shout.

Sparky's ears perked up when he heard his name.

"Go tell papa to feed you bebe." I smile at Sparky.

Sparky just sat there for a while then he walked out the bathroom.

"Noooo." Malina whined once i wrapped her in her towel.

"Im sorry baby. But its time for bed." I explain to her as i dry her up and put on her pajamas.

"Go to papa so he can brush your hair." I instruct her as i hand her the brush.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now