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Ariella's pov

I got so caught up with fixing up the cars that i ended up getting home at 3 in the morning.

I tried my best to walk in quietly.

"Ariella Marie Diaz! Why the fuck were you out til 3 in the morning?" Oscar turned on the living room light.

Aw shit.

"Sparky do you hear something?" I kneel down to pet my fur baby.

He wagged his tail and licked my face.

"Aww i love you bebe." I whisper to Sparky.

"Ariella. Im really not fuckin playin wit you." Oscar groaned.

"Lets go make food Sparky." I walked over to the kitchen.

"You are being so childish." Oscar followed me.

I continued to ignore him as i grabbed an apple and a knife.

"Ariella!" Oscar yelled.

"Shut up you are gonna wake up the kids." I glare at him.

"Oh so you are done ignoring me?" He looked at me.

"Whoever broke into my house please be quiet. My kids are sleeping." I spoke up.

"Oh my go-"

"Oscar can you be quiet." I glance at him as i try cutting the apple.

"Oh my god give me the knife before you lose a finger." He took over my spot as he cut my apple.

I leaned against the counter and watched him.

"We need to talk." He spoke as he ate my apple slice.

"Yeah i know." I let out a sigh.

"What were you gonna say?" He raised his brow.

"I was gonna say....." i started playing with my nails nervously. "That maybe we should take a bre-"

"You better not finish that sentence in break." He set the knife in the sink.

"Its just that.... we have been fighting back and forth. And maybe we just need time away." I spoke quietly which made Oscar hella pissed.

He just chuckled and shook his head.


"No?" I raised my brow at him.

"We arent taking a fucking break. We are staying together and we are gonna work shit out." He folded his arms.

"I tried to fix it and all you did was ignore me. So we need to take a break." I shake my head at him as i attempt to take off my wedding ring.

"Stop fuckin around." He grabbed my hand and placed the ring back onto my ring finger.

"We arent getting a divorce, a break, a therapist. We gonna work this out ourselves." He frowned at me.

"Didn't i just say i tried to work it out?" I walked away so i could start packing my stuff.

Then i felt my body no longer had contact with the ground.

Oscar picked me up over his shoulder and took me over to the bedroom.

"Oscar." I let out a sigh.

"You aren't leaving." He hugged me tight.

"Why should i stay for?"

"If you love me you will stay." Oscar wiped his face with the sleeve of his flannel.

"You know i love you." I pout at him.

"I love you too. Please dont leave me." He bursted out into tears.

I pouted.

"Babe stop." I sighed as i wiped his face.

"Im not leaving." I held him tight.

"We can fix it. I promise." He kissed me multiple times.

I just looked at Oscar as he hugged me tight.

"Im sorry for being a dick and ignoring you for a couple days." He kissed my neck.

"You better not do that shit again." I frown at him.

"I know im sorry." He sighed.


you may think the drama is over.

Its not

Sparky through all this drama^

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Sparky through all this drama^

Am i the only one who practiced taking mugshots?

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Am i the only one who practiced taking mugshots?

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now