59- tell myself

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

"Ariella you ready?" I walked into my room to find it empty and shes nowhere to be found.

I walked into Cesar's room and she was isnt in there either.

"Have you seen Ariella?" I looked at Nicole who was on the couch.

"I did but then she left. I dont know where she went though." She said and i just nodded my head confused.

She just said she was here.

I called her phone. It went straight to voice mail.

I walked outside to where the guys were. "Have you guys seen Ariella? She aint here." I looked at them as they shrugged.

"Maybe shes at home?" Martín suggested.

"Nah her car is gone." Hector said.

What the fuck?

"Wait! I know where shes at." Sad eyes yelled as he stood up.

"Nevaeh just texted me saying 'hey im not gonna go to ur place tonight. Ariella is staying over. And she needs me right now. By the way please dont tell Oscar. Love you." Sad eyes awkwardly put his phone down when he finished reading. Then his eyes went big after he realized he wasnt supposed to say shit.

"Fuck." He mumbled.

"Im going to the Turner's." I said grabbing my keys and heading to my impala.

"Me too." Hector said getting up.

"Yeah me too." Sad eyes said as they both followed me.

"Why are you guys coming?" I looked at them as they got in the car.

"To be honest. I just wanna know the chisme. Clearly theres something wrong." Hector said while smoking his blunt in the back.

"Im coming cause i wasnt supposed to tell you shit and so if you show up Nevaeh is gonna kill me. So i gotta prevent that." Sad eyes said as i pulled out the drive way and towards the Turners house.

It was a couple streets away.

I was so confused and worried.

I know Ariella wouldn't just walk out and not say shit. Not after we had plans to hang out.

I parked my car in the driveway and walked all the way to the front door with Hector and Sad eyes behind me.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now