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Ariella's pov

"Do you like it?" I bit my lip nervously as both Oscar and Nova stand there all shocked. 

"Mamas you look so beautiful

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"Mamas you look so beautiful." Oscar smiles. "I love it."

"Really? You dont seem to like it." I look at him.

"No i do. Its just.. woww you look different. Im not used to it yet." Oscar says as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Girl if you dont stop looking so fine im gonna have to put a baby inside you." Nova smirks which made me laugh.

"Cállate puta! If anyones gonna put a baby inside her its gonna be me." Oscar says wrapping his arms around me.

"Not if i do it first." She teases.

"Too late i already did." Oscar smirked.

"Excuse me?" I raise my brow and look at him.

"Shhh just go along with it." He whispers as i nod my head.

Thats when Terry, Cesar, and Andy walked inside the house.

"Hey have any of you seen Ariella?" Terry asks then he looked at me.

"Oh shit what happened to you?" Terry laughs.

"You are stupid. We were face timing when i was getting my hair bleached." I playfully roll my eyes as he just smiles.

"Woww you look good." Cesar says looking at me in disbelief.

"Thank you lil spooky." I smile.

A few weeks later

"I cant believe my baby is already a one year old." Oscar pouted as i dressed Malina.

"Your baby girl is growing." I smile.

"Our babygirl." Oscar corrects me as he takes her from me.

Now all the guys were setting up the decorations in the backyard.

"Where do you want the balloons?" Martín walks up to us.

"Must i do everything." Oscar huffs as he hands me back Malina.

Then i watched as he helped Martín set up a little spot for Malina to have a photoshoot.

"Happy birthday mamas." Cesar smiles as he kisses her cheek.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now