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Ariella's pov

2 weeks later

"Ariella!" I heard Oscar shout as i cleaned our new bedroom

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"Ariella!" I heard Oscar shout as i cleaned our new bedroom.

"Whats wrong?" I question as i walk down stairs to see Oscar holding Aiden in his arms.

"Its your turn to change him."

"Nah im good." I cringe at the smell.

"Its smells hella bad." He gagged as he handed me my baby.

"Now you know how i feel." I laugh as i held him close to my arms even though he reeked.

"I'm ready to take a nap." Oscar yawned as he walked up the steps to our bedroom.

"Yeah no. You got to help me clean."

"Baby the house is spotless. Now let me sleep." He ran away from me.

I let out a sigh. We havent been in this house for a month yet and its so messy.

Ever since our Reyes vault heist we have been living lowkey for a while.

Although we aren't in trouble with the Feds it was very important to lay low just in case Hernan had other men come after us. Which i highly doubt considering he's dead.

That heist earned us 100 million. Which was split against several people.

Now everyone was all around the world enjoying this spending money.

A lot of the Santos are surprisingly spending their money to make the Santos street nicer.

Oscar and I got around 8 million each so we decided we would  invest in more businesses so we could earn more money.

But for now we decided to hide out somewhere in Florida just to spend time with our babies.

"Mommy! I want swim!" Malina ran over to me.

"Lets go tell daddy." I gave her a big smile as i held her hand while we went up the stairs.

"Papa!" Malina shouted as she reached over to poke Oscar's leg as he slept way too comfortably.

"Yes baby?" Oscar mumbled.

"I want swim!" She cheered.

"Okay we can swim later." He smiled.

"Now Papa!" She started getting irritated that he wasnt getting up.

I just changed Aiden's diaper and smiled to myself once i saw Oscar finally get up to go swim with Malina.

"Heres her bathing suit." I tossed the two piece to him causing him to flip out.

"What is this?!" He yelled as he held the cute two piece in the air.

"My daughter is not wearing this." He chuckled as he went to find her a better another bathing suit.

"Thats the only one i packed so guess you're outta luck." I let out a laugh once i finally changed Aiden's diaper.

"I hate you." Oscar laughed.

"Mommy! Where Sparky?" Malina questioned as she sat on the bed as Oscar struggled to out on the fabric.

"Hes outside bebe." I smiled at her.

"Swim!" She cheered again as Oscar carried her down to the backyard.

Then i watched as Aiden moved his arms and squealed.

Since when were our kids so energetic?

Later that night

"The kids are knocked out." I smile as i joined Oscar on the couch.

"Thats surprising." He laughed.

"I know. This is the first time the fell asleep this early.

I clapped happily as we watched tv.

But for some reason... i wasnt realky feeling the tv.

But i sure as hell was feeling Oscar if ya know what i mean? (🤪🤪)

"Bebe." Oscar groaned as i kissed him slowly to stop him from getting loud.

"Get on." He demanded as he gave me that "im boutta fuck the shit outta you" look. I was all for it.

I smirked to myself as he unbuckled and pulled down his pants.

Baby number three?


This is a filler chapter just to transition into the next part;)

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now