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So this chapter is going to have a bunch of point of views.

Oscar's pov

"Homie. You are getting married." Hector smiled as he adjusted his tie.

"Yeah i know." I grinned. "Thats crazy."

"Can someone help me?" Cesar whined as he almost choked himself with the tie.

I laughed as i walked over to him and fixed it for him.

"Dont look at me like that." I say as i avoid eye contact with my little brother. I was already emotional today.

"Awww mano." Cesar laughed as he hugged me.

"Are you guys ready?" Hobbs walked into the room with the biggest grin.

"My OTP is finally getting married." He chuckled.

I looked at the guys as they all stood up ready to start the ceremony.

"Terry said that everyone has been seated. So lets get this thing going." Hobbs called out.

Terry's pov

Im the man of honor.


You read that correctly.

Ariella chose me as the man of honor.

I bawled like a baby when she told me this.

I have never felt so important to someone like this before.

And i thought Letty was going to be the maid of honor.


She completely agreed with Ariella that i should be the man of honor.

Im still shook.

The ceremony has just started and i was now walking down the aisle and into my spot at the altar.

I faced the guests and saw everyone from both sides.

We got a lot of Santos and family from Oscar's side that came. Then there was also a bunch of friends from Ariella's side.

Like Brian & Mia, Andy and .... Derek. Oop.

Also Roman and Tej showed up.

Also my mommy showed up to. I tell her all the tea about Ariella and Oscar and she is a die hard Oscarella shipper.

So she had to come and support the fam.

I watched as Nova walked in after Letty and they took their spots. Behind me. Heheh.

We all smiled as we watched Jack (brian and mia's son) walk down the aisle carrying the rings.

He is so adorable in his little tuxedo.

Then after him came Malina who walked down the aisle with a little help from Hobbs to throw the flower petals.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now