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Ariella's pov

"Ariella!" Oscar yelled from outside the house. "Baby cmon hear me out!"

Hector and Cesar just looked at him through the window.

"Ariella cmonn its raining outside." Hector chuckled as i just sat on the couch.

"He can take his ass to Robyn's house for warmth." I shrug as Sparky started to whine.

"Oh now you wanna be nice to Oscar?" I roll my eyes as i stand up.

"Okay let him in." I let out an exhausting sigh as Cesar quickly opened the door.

Oscar quickly walked in the house soaking  wet.

"I'm gonna go to my room." Hector chuckled nervously as he walked into the guest bedroom that hes been staying in for a couple weeks now.

"Lemme join you." Cesar followed him.

Now it was just Oscar and i standing in the living room.

"Ariella i already said i was sorry." He groaned as i wrapped myself in a blanket.

"Okay and i already said fuck your sorry." I shrug.

"You didn't even listen to me! I told you Robyn and i were just talking!" He yelled in my face.

"Get your Robyn infested mouth out of my face!" I shoved him and back away from him.

"I didn't kiss her!" He groaned in annoyance as he sat on the couch.

"Why did you go and talk to her anyways?"

"Because i was mad about the fact that you let my crackhead mother come into my house. I was mad and i needed to talk to someone."

"So instead of talking to the bitch you married you decided to talk to another bitch? Okay." I nodded as i stormed off.

"Ariella!" He groaned as he walked in front of me.
"We didn't do anything i promise." He tried holding my hand.

"No don't touch me!" I swerved past him.

"But baby-"

"No! You don't realize how badly you fucked up our relationship!" I cried as i grabbed my bag of clothes.

"You aren't leaving." He groaned as i flipped him off.

"Yes i am."

"What happened to working shit out? Talking? Being mature about this?" He yelled.

"I did! I did fucking try." I poked his chest. "You were the one who left. So fuck you Oscar!"

"Baby." I felt him hug me as i just shook my head.

"I don't care if you dont want a break. Im not asking you. I AM TELLING YOU. We are taking a break."

"You cant take breaks when your married. Once you're married you can no longer have breaks. Which is fine cause breaks are hella stupid.. Sorry homie." Oscar smiled at me.

"Well i'm leaving sooooo..." i pushed past him with Sparky following behind me.

"Where to?"

"I dont know. Im still tryna figure out who has a crush on me so i can go sleep at their place."

"Ariella dont be like that." He grabbed my wrist.

"Dont be like what? Dont be like Oscar Diaz? So what you can do me dirty but i cant?"

"No because you are just being mean on purpose. I didn't sleep, touch, or breathe the same oxygen as Robyn."

"Well i have trust issues." She shook her head and grabbed her keys and stuffed her bags in the trunk of her car.

Then she went back inside to get Malina and Aiden.

"How many times do i gotta say you aint leaving?!" He yelled.

"Oscar im tired!" I cried as i put Malina and Aiden in their carseat.

Then i looked back at Oscar.

He just stood behind me watching as i put them in their seat.

I got all in his face. "I am really fucking tired." I blinked back my tears.


"Then lets go to bed come on." He motioned to the inside of the house.

"No! I am tired of all this stupid drama. I get that you were upset about your mom wanting to reconnect with you! I get that she put you and Cesar through hell. But give another chance! She claims shes better now and wants to be in her families life now. Especially since she's the only grandparent our kids will ever meet." I sniffled.

"I just want a family Oscar. And if you just want to be messing around with girls then you go do that."

"No that not what i want." He whined. "I want you and the kids. Stop blowing it out of proportion."

"I don't know when i'll be back."

"Ariella stop!"


I had a dream that i met Julio macias. Now im hella sad because i didn't actually.

I was sad this whole fuckin day guys:(

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now