90- rio

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

Rio and I spent an hour sitting in his section upstairs. He owned the club which was insane to me.

I liked talking to him. He seemed to like talking to me too.

"Ariella?" I turned my head to see Sad Eyes and Hector standing in front of where we both sat.

"Oh hey guys." i smiled at them.

"What are you doing here?" Hector questioned.

"Partying." i answered as I turned to face Rio again.

"How do you know Rio?" Sad Eyes questioned. Now these two were sitting down with us. I hate them.

"We just met." Rio answered for me.

"Damn that's crazy." Hector laughed to himself as he turned to look at Oscar who sat a few sections away where majority of the Santos were at.

"We were actually about to leave." Rio stood up.

"Right now?" Hector questioned.

"Yeah." i replied as i stood up too. "Im just going to tell my friends I'm leaving" i excused myself.

I needed to make sure they knew before i went.

I could've sworn i seen Terry walk towards the bathroom area. I walked towards the hallway he went through when i got grabbed by someone.

I screamed but nobody heard me over the loud music.

"Oscar! What the hell!" i pushed him away. We were in an empty back hallway,

"Dont go home with him."

What the hell. How did he know?"

"Are you serious right now?" i glared at him.

"Seriously Ariella. Dont."

"Why? He's your friend?" i questioned with a smile on my face.

"We're working together. He's not necessarily the type of man you read about in fairytales. He's a bad guy."

"So then what does that make you?" I questioned him.

"I'm not fucking around with you Ariella."

"Didnt I tell you to stay out of my life? You fucked my best friend and you have the nerve to tell me what to do?"

"You can hate me for that all you want, but please." he pleaded as he reached for my hand. "Dont do this to me."

"Would it break your heart if i slept with Rio?" i questioned him.

"Seeing you dance with him broke my heart. But you sleeping with him would kill me."

We locked eyes. He seemed sincere. He really didnt want me to sleep with him.

The same look in his eyes i had when he slept with Nicole and Leslie.

He broke my heart and killed me several times. I was done being the only person to consider his feelings in everything I do.

I meant it when i said i wanted him out of my life.

"Tonight when you go home. I want you to think of me in this outfit." I let him hold my hand.

"I want you to picture yourself taking it off of me." i said softly.

Then i leaned in closer to whisper in his ear. I was pressed against the wall as he caged me in.

"Then I want you to picture Rio's hands on my body as he fucks me. I want that engrained in your head." I smiled at him. "Me moaning his name."

"Ariella." he warned.

"Rio." i whimpered in his ear and that just about set him off.

He punched the wall behind me.

I smirked to myself.

I never liked to be petty and vengeful.

But maybe I do now.

"Stay out of my way." I warned him as i pushed him away and towards Rio's section.

I texted the group chat i was leaving with the owner and then went back to where Rio stood.

"Lets go." he said to me as he reached for my hand and led me out.

I went to his home which was a nice condo in LA.

I fucked him.

I didnt fuck him with Oscar in my mind this time. I didnt compare Rio to him.

I just had a good time with a guy who is interested in me.

I was living my life for me.


HAHAHAHAHAH OMFG i screamedddd writing this

also if ur a re reader this chapter is new sooo here ya go

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now