28- all fall down

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

Once i made it home i was so exhausted. Physically and emotionally exhausted.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water.

Then there was a knock at the door.

I sighed when i opened the door and saw Oscar standing there. "Read the room Oscar, if i didnt want to be in your car what makes you think i want you here?"

I rolled my eyes and tried slamming the door shut but Oscar pushed it open and walked in.

"Chill. I just came to see if your ass made it home." Oscar said as he shut the door and looked at me.

"I thought Spooky didnt give a fuck about people and their whereabouts?" I said as i grabbed my water and my bag and made it up the stairs.

"Ariella." He let out a heavy sigh, making me roll my eyes as i got into my room. Of course he followed me. So much for just checking whereabouts.

"Just leave me alone." I groaned in annoyance as i sat on my bed.

"Im sorry." He sighed as he walked closer to me.

"Shut up no you arent." I shook my head as i looked up at him.

"I shouldnt have yelled at you like that mamas. You didnt deserve that bullshit." He sighed louder as he sat next to me.

"Its whatever."

"Noo. It was a dick move." He frowned at me as he held my hand.

He kissed the back of my hand multiple times and looked at me. "Im sorry for yelling at you mamas." He said again, and it sounded sincere.

"Its okay." I gave a small forgiving smile and watched as he slowly gave in to kiss me. Holy fuck i forgot how these lips felt against mine.

He gently laid me down on the bed and got on top. "What i said in the car was stupid. I actually like it when you call me Oscar." He admitted with a smile.

I laughed at him as i pulled him in for another kiss.

Oscar and i went back to his house the next day and laid on the couch and watched movies all day. Yup thats right. I ditched school, but my excuse was i was sick.

Oscar slept on top of me with his head on my chest. He looked like a little baby, quiet and adorable. If only he was quiet more often.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now