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Oscar's pov

"Okay what about her?" I ask Terry as we walk past a girl in the mall.

"Not my type." He shook his head.

I rolled my eyes. This guy is so picky.

"Okay what about her?" I point at a blonde girl.

"Not really into blondes." He shrugs.

"Oh so its based on looks now?" I laugh as i drag him into a baby store.

"Maybe... Im sorry but my grandma said im not allowed to give her ugly grandkids." He laughed.

"Cant relate." I laugh.

"Yeah how are you and Ariella?" Terry asks as i sort through the clothes for Malina.

"We are doing so good." I smile so fucking big.

"You mean well." Terry corrects me causing me to flip him off.

"No but seriously we are doing so good. We worked on our issues because we would argue about how she never makes time for me." I explain. "Whenever we are mad at something the other person is doing we dont bottle it up anymore. We actually talk now and fix the issues." I say as i fine Malina's size.

Even though she just had a birthday party i gotta spoil her too. THASS MY BABYY.

"You mean yall finally being a couple." Terry laughs making me roll my eyes.

"Shut yo ass up Aiden." I laugh.

"Okay Oscar." He shrugs.

"I have a question." I say as i go in line to pay for some stuff.

My kid is gonna have some good fits.

"What is it?" He questions.

"If I wasnt in the picture would you get at Ariella?" I look down at him.

He quickly gave me a dirty look. "Hell nah!"

"What? You callin her ugly?" I glare at him.

"No! Shes hella hot bu-"

"Oh so you like her." I interrupt him.

I was obviously joking. I looked as Terry looked confused.

I started laughing and playfully nudged him. "Chill. Im just messin with you."

"So are you like big?" He muttered and the sales clerk just looked at us all weird and shit.

"Why are you asking me this?" I smack his arm as i smile at the lady.

"Just curious. Think about it. I mean you're cute i guess. But theres gotta be something you got that makes these hynas wild." Terry explained and i got so red. "You must have a magic penis or something." He said soooo loud. Oh my ive never been so embarrassed.

"Will you shut up." I mumble as i hand the lady the money with a smile.

"Your first bitch Nicole tried making Ariella kill herself because she wanted you back. Then theres also Leslie. That crazy bitch stabbed Ariella. And lets not forget your one night fucks. They hatin from a distance." Terry explains.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now