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(Can we just appreciate her beauty) Ariella's pov A month later

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(Can we just appreciate her beauty)
Ariella's pov
A month later

"Ariella!" Oscar called out from the room.

"Hold on." I respond back as i open the back door to let Sparky back inside.

I watched as he ran to the couch and laid next to Malina.

"Mama!" Malina looked at me.

"Yes baby i know." I smiled at her as i went to the kitchen to get her bottle of milk.

I handed it to her. She was the easiest kid to take care of. All she needs is Disney+, milk, and Sparky.

"What did you need?" I look over at Oscar who was laying down with Aiden.

"Aiden needs a diaper change." He chuckled.

"Well get to it." I grin at him innocently as i toss a brand new diaper at him.

"Fine." He sighed as he started getting Aiden undressed so he could change his diaper.

I sat on the bed and just watched.

"Dont you just love having kids?" I smiled.

"Yes. But this is too much." He chuckled.

"I want another one." I point out.

"I know you do mamas." He glanced at me then back at Aiden.

"But i dont think we are ready for another baby yet."

"Well when are we going to be?" I sighed as i fidgeted with my fingers.

"Maybe in a year or two?" He responded quite unsure.

Once he finished changing him he walked out the room to throw out the diaper.

I pick up Aiden and walked to the kitchen.

"Well hows 8 months for you?" I question as i hold Aiden in one arm and open the fridge with the other.

"Im sorry what was that?" Oscar followed me to the kitchen.


"What did you just say?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.

I let out a sigh and just looked at Aiden.

"We are gonna have another one of these." I pinched Aiden's cheeks.

"What do you mean? How did this happen?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"Well Oscar. When a man and a woma-"

"Ariella!" Oscar cut me off as he crossed his arms.

"We had sex dumbass. Thats how i got pregnant." I roll my eyes as i sat in the living room with Malina and Sparky.

"But i thought you were on the pill." He looked at me confused.

"I stopped because the doctor told me it was messing with my other medication."

"Soooo why didnt you tell me to use a condom?" He looked at me all serious.

"Because who wants to use a condom when you're married? No fun." I pouted.

Oscar just shook his head.

"Damn. Calm down Oscar. Dont be too excited." I roll my eyes.

"Dont get me wrong im happy. I just didnt expect this. I thought we agreed to wait." He scratched the back of his head.

"You dont want another baby. Just admit it." I shake my head as i stood up and walked to the room with Aiden.

"Ariella don't be like that." Oscar ran after me.

"If you dont want to be in their life then dont." I shake my head.

"Thats not what i meant Ariella! Im just saying this is all a shock." He wrapped his arms around me and Aiden.

"Of course i want all your babies Ariella. I just wanna be ready to give all of them the same love. Im just afraid that i wont be able to handle 3. What if i become a shitty dad. I never want a kid to feel forgotten." He sighed.

"When you become a parent nobody gives you time to prepare for it. It just happens."

"I know." He sighed. "Just dint believe for a second that im not happy. Because regardless...
Im happy." He kissed my cheek. "Now lets take a family nap he picked up Malina who was already sleeping.

Then we all laid on our bed.

Sparky even joined us.

"Three kids... wow i cant believe it." He grinned.

"I know."

"We really out here being a family and shit." He smiled.


Shit is gonna change

Shit is gonna change

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ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now