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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

Nicole's mom was watching Malina tonight because we were having a Santos party for one of the Santos who just got out of prison.

One of the homies, Adrian.

We had history together. Both of our dads being initiated into the Santos when they were teens. They were close. So of course we grew up around each other. We both joined the Santos at the same time.

"Spooky!" Adrian smiled as i pull him into a hug.

"My bitch is home." We all started laughing as i handed him a beer.

"Feels good to be back." He said while starting to inhale the air filled with weed. "It smells just like home."

I just laughed as i leaned against the front door to the house.

"Where are the hoes at?" Adrian joked until i stepped back so he could come inside. He eyed the crowd of hynas inside and just like high school, his mischievous playboy grin made an appearance.

I watched as he beelined it to the group.

The guys and I just started laughing as we watched.

After a while the house got crowded with people so Adrian and i just sat in chairs in the back yard and talked. Surprisingly it was more laid back out here.

I had no interest in getting too drunk or high tonight. Not did I have any interest in fucking any of the girls here. A lot of them have tried, of course with Nicole there to claim me as hers and scaring them away.

Apparently its more attractive to a girl when they know you're a good dad. I have no shame in showing off my Malina. Shes the one that keeps me going.

"I still cant believe you got out before me." He laughed.

"You could've gone out earlier if you didnt fight with with that one cop." I said and we started laughing again.

Then it died down.

"So I've heard about Ariella." He said as i downed my beer. Maybe i did feel like drinking tonight.

"Oh yeah? What did you hear?" i tried to stay as composed as possible.

"That she's in the psychiatric hospital. What the fuck happened man?" Adrian asked. I hated that the word was spreading.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now