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Cesar's pov

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Cesar's pov

"Your sister is going to be fine. She lost a lot of blood. The cuts are going to take a while to heal completely but she will be okay." The doctor said reassuringly.

I looked over at Letty and Dom who looked so stressed.

I know Letty was torn inside. The guilt was eating us all.

She lost her mom, dad, her fucking memory at one point. Ariella was the only person she still had and if she lost her too it would hurt her so much.

"Dom what are we gonna do?" Letty cried in Dom's chest. "We cant let her go through what she did before. I wont let her." I agreed. After Ariella's parents died it was a dark time for Ariella.

"We just gotta stay strong for her." Dom said in his soft manly voice. Even i felt relaxed.

"You guys can see her now." The nurse smiled at us.

"Cesar. I think you should go see her first." Letty looked at me. I knew a part of that was the fact that Letty couldn't see her little sister in this state.

"Me? Are you sure? I can wait." I said, but she shook her head.

"I may be her sister but i know you know a lot more of what's going on than i do. You go and see her first." She smiled at me and i nodded and followed the nurse to her room.

Seeing the person you love in a hospital bed really is hard. I havent been the realest friend that Ariella deserves at the moment but i know that im going to cut my shit. Ariella needed me and i let her down. Not again.

I need to stop holding a stupid grudge over some stupid shit that doesnt matter now.

I walked into the room and saw Ariella laying there almost lifeless.

I stood next to her and looked at her arms, they were both wrapped up.

"Cesar." She said softly.

"Ariella." I smiled as a tear went down my face. "How are you feeling?" I mumbled.

"I dont know... ashamed." She let out a sigh as she stared at the ceiling.


"I thought nobody needed me. I felt like the same way i did when my parents died. I felt alone. " She couldnt even look at me.

We both knew that if we looked at each other we'd be crying.

"You are not alone now." I frowned. "Im the one who let you down. I was supposed to have your back no matter what. You needed me and i wasn't there for you. I was upset about something and I let that get the best of me. No apology will be good enough but i just want you to know im still here." I said and she just smiled.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now