46- game over

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

Its been a few days since we broke up. I havent left my bedroom. All i do is just lay in bed and do nothing. I didn't have the energy for anything else. I know you shouldn't depend on other people to be happy, but being with Oscar made me want to live.

"Hey." Letty smiled while slowly walking in. I could see her attempt to mask her concern, pretending nothing was wrong. We all knew everything was wrong.

"Hi." I said with no emotion. I couldnt even fake it. Faking it would consist of using energy, something i had zero of.

"Dom and i are gonna go out to eat wanna come?" Letty questioned.

"No im not hungry." I said repositioning my body in another position, so i couldnt face her.

"Are you sure?"

"Letty.... im really tired." OF ALL THIS BULLSHIT. "Maybe another time." i let out a deep sigh.

"Oh okay." She said softly as she closed the door. She sounded defeated, but she wanted to respect my wishes.

Next day
Cesar's pov

I walked into the Ortiz household and saw Dom and Letty downstairs. "How is she?" I asked.

"She still wont come out." Letty sighed. "Mia has tried to talk to her earlier and it didnt work."

"Hector even came to cheer her up and Ariella just cried." Dom added.

I frowned. The last time Ariella was like this was when her parents died. That was the scariest time for everyone. We were worried for her health and safety. I would do anything in my power to make sure she wouldn't feel the way she did 2 years ago.

I made my way up to her room and she was just laying in bed facing the wall.

"Ariella." I frowned as she had no response.

I closed the door and sat on the edge.

"Can you please talk to me?"

"No im okay." She said softly.

She sounded so damn broken. Like there was no liveliness in her voice.

I was worried for her health.

Then i heard the door bust open as Nevaeh and Andrew walk in. You would've thought they were the FBI.

"Ariella get your ass up now!" Nevaeh demanded and Ariella didnt move. Not a muscle.

"Be gentle about it." Andy whispered, but she could probably hear him. Andy doesnt know what a whisper is,

"No." Nevaeh sighed.

"Ariella. I understand you are very heartbroken right now. But what would you rather do? Lay here and cry about it while Oscar goes and lives his life or would you rather get up and try to live your best life?" Nevaeh tried to hype her up.

"Lay here and cry about it." She mumbled and Nevaeh was not having it.

"Wrong answer." She said as she took the blanket off of Ariella.

"Nooooo." Ariella whined.

Then Nevaeh went through her closet and grabbed some of Ariella's clothes.

"Carry her to the bathroom." Nevaeh instructed and Andy and i did just that. Nevaeh was scary when she was fed up. I know she has good intentions with helping Ariella be happy, but it came off bad.

Ariella didnt even bother trying to fight it. She gave up and she never gave up. But you can only try so damn hard.

We walked out the bathroom once we set her down. Nevaeh went in and helped her change because Ariella had no energy to do it herself, she was drained.

Once Ariella got dressed we helped drag her outside.

"Are you guys happy now?" She sighed as she stared at the sky.

Thankfully Rome and Tej pulled into the driveway. I couldn't help but feel relieved. Rome and Tej could easily lift her spirits.

"Heyy girll!" Rome smiled at Ariella and pulled her in for a hug.

"Okay move it. Its my turn." Tej pushed him off and hugged Ariella.

"How you doing kid?" He put on a huge smile.

"Im okay." She said and they nodded. They exchanged looks with each other than with us.

"You hungry?" Nevaeh asked her.

"Yeah, Me and Rome discovered this new spot a few blocks down." Tej suggested and everyone hyped up the idea.

"No." She said as she sighed again. "I just wanna go sleep." She mumbled.

Everyone just seemed defeated.

Still Cesar's pov

I came back home and man i was stressed.

"Hows Ariella?" Oscar barged into my room.

"We just got her out of bed. Rome and Tej are trying to make her go to the race tonight."

He just nodded his head.

"If you go. You better not be around Nicole." I glared at him as he just looked at me weird.


"Because dumbass! Ariella is hurting hella right now and seeing you will be hard for her but if she sees you with Nicole its gonna be game over." I sighed. "Might even be better if you don't go at all."

"Game over?"

"You may think that you know Ariella but you dont." I said and that offended Oscar.

I usually never call him out cause I'm scared of him. But seeing Ariella hurt pissed me off. She was doing great until he came back. He just had to date her and make her fall in love with him.

"When Ariella is hurt she wont do anything. When her parents died she stayed in her room for so many weeks we were worried."

"So what do you want me to do?" Oscar asked. "Should i talk to her?"


Okay i know i always say this but im fr this time.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now