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Ariella's pov

1 month later

"Dont cry monkey." I pouted as Malina ran towards me.

She was crying cause she fell down.

"Come here bebe." I say as she jumped into my arms.

"You are okay my love." I rubbed her back.

"I heard crying. What happened?" Oscar practically sprinted inside the house.

His face and hands was all dirty.

"Why are you dirty?" I laugh.

"Im changing the oil on the impala. Whats wrong with Malina?" He walked up to us.

"She tripped." I pouted as Malina wiped her tears.

"Its okay princess." Oscar pouted.

"Wanna help papa?" He questioned as she nodded her head.

Then i handed her over to him.

"Oscar you better be careful with her. She likes to grab things shes not supposed to and i dont want her drinking something shes not supposed to." I glare at him.

"Yes boss." He laughed to himself.

"You aint funny." I roll my eyes. "I'll see you later. I have a long day at work." I pouted.

"Malina and I will come see you later." He grinned.

"Okay you better." I smile before walking off.

I closed the shop early today. There was like no customers. What the fuck.

"Wait Trey." I stop him from getting in his car.

"Oh whats up?" He turned and looked at me.

"Heres your check." I grinned.

"Oh thanks." He smiled.

"See you tomorrow." I smile as i walk to my car.

Then i started driving back home. It was barely 4pm so i had some day light left.

All i wanted to do was work on the car.

I just wanted that thing fixed. Why? Because it means a lot to me and it would be cool if i could actually use it.

I parked in the drive way of the Diaz household and walked across the street to the Torretto/ Ortiz household.

What the fuck.

I opened the garage door and legit my stomach dropped.

"Wheres the car?" I panicked.

"Did someone get rid of it?" I started to get emotional no lie.

"Oh hey Ariella." Oscar smiled as he practically came out of nowhere.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now