20- the race

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

I couldnt help but look to see Oscar and Nicole be all lovey and it irritated me. Why were they here?

I thought i didnt love him. I was kind of hurt and I shouldn't be i know that, but i was.

"Hey you good?" Andy walked up to me.

Andy was a guy from my school. He hung out with the racers at my school. He was popular but his group and the football players didnt fuck with each other. Andy wasn't one of those cocky assholes that felt like he needed to be a dick to be respected. He also didnt feel the need to play sports to get a girl. Ive known him for years. His name was Andrew but i called him Andy for fun.

 His name was Andrew but i called him Andy for fun

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"Yeah im just scared." I let out a sigh as i looked over the big crowd of people. I've been to races since the tragedy, but this was different because im not a watcher, I'm a racer this time.

"You got this shit." He smiled reassuringly, putting his hand on my shoulder. His smile did calm me down a bit, he had that affect on people, but it wasnt enough.

"I hope so. This shit can ruin my reputation. Im known for winning." I said being cocky as a joke.

Andy rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Okay Ortiz." He said while rolling his eyes and laughing.

"Yo Ortiz! I hope you ready to run that money to me." Tiny called out.

This may sound shocking and unbelievable, but racing here has always been around. The Santos and Prophets and other gangs would come here to race. This is probably the less violent way to dominate the others. Surprisingly nobody pulls out a gun, and id like to think its out of respect to those who come to watch, but also an unspoken rule that this is strictly for the love of racing.

Tiny wasnt a prophet and i wasnt a santo. But we both were around those gangs. So in a way... we kinda repped each side. So this could determine who ran these streets. For now.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now