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Another two weeks later

Ariella's pov

"Finally! Life is back to normal." Oscar walked into the shop as i assisted Hector on one of the cars.

"Uhhh was it ever normal?" I raised a brow at him as i handed Hector the wrench.

"No but its our type of normal." Oscar pulled me into a big ass hug.

I gave him a small smile as i kissed him.

"Thats true."

"Hey Ariella." Trey walked in the shop ready to start his shift.

I felt Oscar's grip get tighter as he made eye contact with Oscar.

"Chill homie. I aint gonna steal your girl." Trey chuckled as he gave Oscar a look.

"Its not that you dont want to. Its just you got no chance." Oscar let out a loud ass laugh.

"Guys stop." I yell over their bickering.

"You know unlike you. I have respect for relationships. I ain't a home wrecker." Trey shook his head and laughed at Oscar.

"Yeah so thats why you were tellin Ariella to leave me? Right?" Oscar glared at him.

"I know you want her." He shook his head.

"Oh go fuck yourself." Trey flipped him off.

"Now you wanna disrespect me? Do you know who i am?" Oscar immediately threw punches.

"Guys stop." I shout as they took the fight outside.

Now they were fighting on hard ass concrete.

"You know what territory you're in?" Oscar punched him.

I looked over at all the Santos as they just watched the fight.

"Are you guys just going to stand there?" I shouted.

"Well he started it." Sad eyes shrugged.

"Oh for fucks sake." I shook my head as i walked over to the two dumbasses on the ground punching each other.

"Stop." I shouted.

"What the fuck." I turned to see Dom and Hobbs stepping out of their car.

"Hey." Dom shouted as both him and Hobbs pulled them off of each other.

They were both bleeding on the face.

I hate my life.

"Trey go home." I let out a sigh.


"Its fine. Just go home. Come to work tomorrow." I shooed him off as i stormed back inside.

"Babyyy that hurts." Oscar glared at me as i cleaned up his nose.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now