33- ruin you

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Ariella's povFriday

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Ariella's pov

"I hate how you cant see how big my ass is in this skirt." Nevaeh complained as i put on my airpods. She does this every damn time we get into our uniform.

"Ariella! Guess whos playing in the game today!" Jamal ran up to me.

"Leave her alone shes trying to get in her cheer mindset." Nevaeh shooed off Jamal which made him roll his eyes at his sister. Them they started going back and forth.

I tuned them out so i could think about the routine.

We were performing for half time and im so fucking nervous because all of practice my stunt group kept dropping me and i will literally cry if i eat shit in front of everyone.

The bleachers were all filled up and the game was about to start. I put my music on full blast so that i could ignore everyone and i sat down at an empty spot and tried to calm down my nerves.

"Ariella." Andy poked me as i looked up.

"Yes?" I asked pausing my music.

"You okay? You look scared." He chuckled then it started to fade when i wasnt laughing with him.

"Yeah im fine just getting in the cheer spirit." I said sarcastically as i shook my pom poms.

He just laughed and gave me a hug.

"Do you know where Oscar is?" I asked as he nodded.

"I was just talking with him. He's pissed." Andy says as we talk to the Santos infested bleachers.

"Oh fuck." I mumbled as i hugged Dom.

"Ayee lil Ortiz." Hector walked over to me and gave me a hug.

I smiled at him and looked up the bleachers to see Oscar. I also noticed Nova sitting with him along with her girl friends. Kill me please.

I made my way up there and he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Hi mamas." He said smoothly as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Hi baby." I smiled while wrapping my arms around him.

I could hear my name being called so I looked at the field and i noticed Jamal waving at me. He looked so proud to be in his jersey.

I laughed and waved back.

"Wait. Hes actually gonna play?" Oscar asked as i nodded my head.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now