92- new plan

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Ariella's pov

Terry ended up dropping me and Cesar off at home.

"Who's at Oscar's?" Terry motioned to the cars parked in front of the house.

"Dont know. Dont care."

We stood in the front of my house and all we could hear was yelling. It sounded like a fight.

"Cesar." I raised my brow.

"I dont know." he shrugged as he started walking towards his house.

Well if theres a fight Im not letting him go alone.

Terry and I followed him.

We stepped closer and there was a girl standing in front the Santos with 3 men dressed in all black behind her.

She turned to face me and as soon as we
locked eyes her face changed.

"Is this her?" She turned to Rio. Rio stayed silent.

"Leave her out of it." Oscar warned.

The girl smiled.

"Take her." She instructed her men.

"What the hell." I slowly backed away as the three men walked towards me.

"Stay back." Cesar stood in front of me as they came closer.

"Cesar no." i freaked out.

"Im sorry, kid." One of them said as he shoved past Cesar and grabbed me. 

"I said leave her out of this." Oscar shouted.

"Get off of me!" i screamed as he picked me up and towards the girl.

He dropped me on the dirt in front of her. I groaned in pain.

To make matters worse she kicked me in the stomach.

"Ow bitch." i yelled.

She kneeled down and grabbed me by the hair so i could be face to face with her.

"You know Rio?" she questioned.

"Yeah." i answered.

"You know he's my boyfriend?" she gritted her teeth.

"Im afraid that didn't come up. We were a little busy." i smiled up at her.

She slapped me across the face. I turned to face her again.

"You slut." she shouted as she got on top of me.

"Do you know who i am?" she questioned me.


She grabbed me by the front of my shirt. "You know Cuchillos?"

"Your boss?" i turned to Oscar and the rest of the Santos.

"Yeah." she laughed. "Their boss." she smiled at me. "Shes also my mother," she glared at me.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now