15- self control

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

Cesar still hasn't came and the guys were still inside so i sat outside on the front steps patiently.

"Wear this." I turned to Oscar as he cleared his throat awkwardly. Then i watched as he sat next to me, handing me one of his sweaters.

"No its okay im not cold." I shake my head as i stare at the empty beer bottle on the floor in front of me. In this awkward moment, the bottle was really catching my full attention,

"Tell that to your goosebumps." He scoffed as he still held it out.

I sighed quietly as i took the jacket and put it on.

It was so soft and it did warm me up. Fuck, it even smells like him.

"So you wanna tell me why you were crying or do i have to pry it out of Cesar?" He questioned me with a serious tone. He always sounds serious, but this time he also sounded concerned? Oscar concerned? i must've hit my head.

"Ehh it doesnt matter." I said as he looked at me weirdly.

"It matters to me." He looked me dead in the eyes.

"Oscar stop acting like you care." I raised my voice as i stand up and look at him.

"Acting?" He scoffed still sitting on the step.

"Yeah acting. I know you dont care about my feelings." I shake my head and laughed to myself.

"Oh so you know everything?" He was laughing too. Anyone walking by right now would probably think we were having a grand old time.

"Yeah." I bit my lip as i turned to the street to avoid eye contact.

"Ariella! I can't read your fucking mind. I wanna make shit right with you because i hate how you are ignoring me. So can you just tell me why you hate me?" He questioned and i could hear the frustration. I guess prison never taught him patience.

"There is no point in venting to you because I know you dont like him." I said with a sigh.

He frowned at me as i say there with no emotion to give.

"Ariella.. i know i didnt like him but you can always talk to me. What did he do?" He questioned.

"He lied and cheated on me last night." I shook my head just thinking about it.

"Well he's a dumbass. He had the best girl and he lost her." He said as he looked me in the eyes. Almost had me thinking he was sincere.

Yeah well i guess thats two dumbasses.

"Well its whatever." I looked down at the concrete walkway.

"You want me to kick his ass?" He questioned making me shake my head.

"No. I can handle it." I bit back a smile. Just imagining Julian getting his ass beat made me happy. But i immediately stopped when i realized Oscar was staring.

"I want you to know that im here Ariella. I wanna be the one you vent to. I want you to trust me." He sighed. "Let me be here for you."

"If i ever need to talk. I know where to find you." I nodded as he smiled back.

"Your hair looks good in a ponytail." He said out of nowhere.

Whats that supposed to mean?

"Gracias." I said awkwardly as i looked away. Why is he so random?

Then i felt his hand on my chin turning my face to look at him.

"You aint like these other hynas, Ariella." He said which made me raise a brow. What was he implying?

"Okay." I trued to shrug it off but he kept continuing.

"Thats something i always liked about you." He said while pulling me closer.

I couldnt help but let him do this to me.

It was wrong.

So wrong.

Fuck. Why do i not care?

He got some soft ass lips.

Mmmmm. Why is that all i can look at now? God Ariella look away. I kept leaning in. My self control was really being tested.


We both slowly pulled away from each other as we heard someone awkwardly clear their throat.

I turn my face to see Cesar holding up a brown paper bag. He stared at us with a shocked facial expression but tried to conceal it as if he saw nothing. Cause really it was nothing. He stopped us before it could get anywhere. Well anywhere further than a innocent kiss we shared just now.

My ice cream better be in there.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now