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Ariella's pov

"Baby can you stop being a detective for two minutes." Oscar groaned as i stayed up on the couch.

"I cant. Im analyzing the background info on Linda and Will." I yawn.

"No your going to sleep with me. Cmon." He picked me up from the couch.

"I cant." I was too lazy to even fight.

I felt myself get laid onto the bed.

"Sometimes im lonely in this bed." Oscar chuckled as he kissed my forehead.

"Im sorry baby. Its just.... i cant help but think about all the shit about my family." I sighed.

"Its okay bebe." He sighed as i scooted closer to him.

"Thank you for understanding." I kissed his jaw.

"Of course homie." He kissed me back.

"So when we working on baby #3?"

"Hmmm next week?" I laugh.

"But im not busy right now." I looked at him.

"Werent you just sleepy?" He chuckled.

"I dont remember." I shrugged with a smirk as he hovered over me.

The next day

"Can i see the wrench princess?" I kneel over to Malina as she just dragged it along.

"Here." She said in her cute little voice as i grabbed it from her tiny hands.

"Thank you bebe." I smile as she went back to playing with the chalk on the sidewalk.

"Bebe." I heard Oscar let out a heavy sigh.

"What?" I turn my head and look at him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm fixing the grey impala. Duh." I watch as he takes the wrench out of my hands.

"That's impossible." He pouted. "The car exploded. We can't fix it."

"I know." I sniffle as i stare at the burnt out engine. Everything was black or just gone. It was unfixable.

"Dont worry bebe. We are millionaires now. We can buy ten if you wanted." He kissed my forehead as i cried.

"It loses its meaning. That impala was the last thing of my dad's that i had. And his son blew  it up." I sobbed even more.

"My life is so fucked up." I cried even harder.

"Aw babyyy." He pouted. "No its not."

"I'm serious."

"I am too. Ariella. Think about all the things in your life that are good. Your bank account, your handsome husband, your health, your kids, sparky, the homies. You have so much positivity in your life but it will never be recognized if you keep thinking its fucked up." He explained to me as i just wrapped my arms around him and sniffled.

I looked up at him as he smiled.

"Since when did you become a therapist?"

"I kinda just learned." He laughed.

Then all of a sudden i heard a tire screech.

We both jerked our heads to the streets.

"Okay its getting dark. Malina let's go inside." Oscar mentions. I went to pick up the chalk.

"Malina?..." i paused.

"Fuck." Oscar mumbled as we both walked up to a footprint from the chalk on the sidewalk.

"What do you mean she got kidnapped?" Dom looked at me as i cried.

"I mean! Malina got kidnapped and i think Santiago had something to do with it!" I shouted and he nodded.

"Cant be. Santiago's dead. Remember?" Roman mentioned.

I looked at the whole crew as they gathered around the living room.

"I dont think we realize how powerful Santiago is." I let out a sigh.

"So his men took her?" Hector sniffled.

"Or Santiago?" Brian mentioned.

"Are you fucking with me! Santí is dead. Do you remember the fact that we were at his funeral a few days ago?" Letty complained.

"And how do we know he's actually dead?!" I shouted.

"Okay you guys need to stop fighting." Dom groaned as he stood in between Letty and i.

"Where Oscar?" Dom looked at me.

"I dont know. He sped off." I let out a sigh. "The guys are trying to find him before he goes psycho."

"Tej? Anything?" Hobbs questioned.

"No. Its hard to track down shit when we got no suspects." He shrugged.

"Uhhhhhh Santi's adoptive parents." Roman suggested.

"Yeah thats a start." Brian nodded.

"Im here!" We heard the front door open and Sylvia barge in.

"Where my baby?" She freaked out.

"We are finding her." I hugged her as she cried.

Where could she be? And with who?



That wedding doe

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That wedding doe

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now