49- goosebumps

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

I ran inside the hospital to see all the Santos in the waiting room.

Hector quickly pulled me in for a hug.

"Has the doctor said anything?" I panicked as more tears rolled down my cheek.

"She said hes gonna be fine, but hes really fucked up." He sighed.

Then i noticed all the guys were staring down Julian.

"Ignore it." I mumbled to Julian as we took a seat. Julian just frowned at me as he sat down. I dont know if he expected me to yell at them to stop staring, they were the least of my worries.

Then Cesar came out of the doors and everyone stood up. "How is he?" Nicole asked. I didnt even realize she was a few seats away from me.

"He said he wants to see his mamas." Cesar said and Nicole and I both stood up at the same time.

Oh shit. This is awkward.

We both looked at each other and then at Cesar. Then it got so awkward. The guys just looked at us wide eyed.

Tension. A whole lot of it.

Then Sad eyes got up from his chair.

"Then i guess he wants to see me." He said to try and lighten up the mood.

Everyone let out a small laugh.

Then Cesar looked at me.

"He's in room 204." He said and i was surprised. Oscar wanted to talk to me?

I looked back at Julian and smiled.

"Ill be back okay baby?" I smiled trying to be reassuring.

"Can i come with you?" he looked at me with pleading eyes. Not sure if he just didnt want to be left with the Santos, or he didnt want me alone with Oscar.

Then i looked to see the Santos glaring at Julian. If i leave him here he will get his ass beat.

I just nodded my head and we both walked through the door and down the hall.

Once i found his room i knocked twice before opening it.

Oscar was laying down but he sat up once he saw me.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now