8- end in heartbreak

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"I can't believe you ate that whole ass burger." Oscar laughed in disbelief as we got back in his car.

"Why?" I laughed confused.

"That shit was huge." He laughed again. "You just ate a whole cow."

"Well I was hungry." i laughed at him as he started the car.

"And i wasnt going to let it go to waste." I shrugged.

"So where we going now?" He glanced over at me when we reached a stoplight.

"Oh um i dont know." I shrugged. I didn't think he's still want to hang out.

"We can hang at my place if you want?" I suggested as he just smiled and nodded his head.

"I haven't been there in a while." He responded as he drove down the street of both of our houses.

"You aren't missing out on much. Im never there and Dom and Letty make out more than half the time." I said which made him laugh.

"I remember when i wasnt at home i was at your house. Your mom stayed making food." Oscar chuckled again as he glanced at me then back on the road.

That was true. My mom used to make food everyday so everyone could come over and eat. She loved having people over, even if she barely knew them.

I smiled at the thought of her as he parked on the side of the road.

I took my seatbelt off and got out the car as Oscar did the same. I unlocked the front door and we both went inside. For once it was clean.

"I guess Letty cleaned the house for once." I commented as Oscar shut the door behind him. Usually i do the household cleaning out of boredom or on the days i feel productive,

"You wanna see the car I'm working on?" I bit my lip nervously.

"Yeah." He smiled as he followed me into the garage.

I turned on the garage light and Oscar looked at the car. My dad found it before he passed away and we used to work on it day and night. Unfortunately he passed before we could get it to work.

"Whats wrong with it?" He questioned as he looked in the hood.

"It refuses to start." I sighed heavily just looking at it. All the hours my father and i spent on it are burned into my memory.

"What did you try to do?" He asked leaning against the car. I avoided eye contact but i could feel his eyes on me.

"I replaced the battery with the best battery and that shit was expensive, didn't work. I also cleaned cleaned the clogged fuel filter and i tried fixing the timing belt. Nothing works. I don't know how i can fix this thing." I groaned in annoyance. Everyone knows I'm up for a challenge but its been years.

Oscar looked at me again.

"What?" I looked at him nervously as he shook his head and laughed.

"I forgot about your passion for fixing cars." mentioned while he sat on a stool.

I smiled as i put a strand of hair behind my ear. "Yeah." I mumbled awkwardly as i sat on the stool next to him.

"Thats something i always admired about you." He spoke up, making me turn red.

"You admire my skill for fixing cars?" I giggled nervously as he nodded in response.

"And i like how you respect yourself. i don't know how but you got the guys to respect you too." He says which made me tilt my head like a curious dog would.

"The guys respect me?"

"Hell yeah." He laughs. "Any other girl they would holler at and make thirsty ass comments. But when it comes to you they have so much respect for you its crazy." He said as if he was surprised.

"Its probably because im Letty's sister, and because of Dom. Everybody respects them and they know they will give them an ass beating if they say or do anything." I shrugged following with a heartfelt laugh. I love how much they had my back.

Before he could say anything his phone started ringing. "Mamas whats wrong? Are you okay?" He quickly jumped off the chair and stood on his feet. I was taken aback by his sudden movements i just stood there and watched him.

It was Nicole. Of course.

I could hear her voice through the phone but i didnt hear exactly what she was saying.

"Im on my way." He sighed as he hung up.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as he just shook his head.

"Shes drunk and needs a ride home." He let out am aggravated sigh. "I better go get her." He mumbled while looking at me. I nodded my head.

I follow him back to the front door. Before he left he turned to look at me. "I liked that we got to catch up."

"Me too." i gave him a small smile.

"I'll see you around fool." He flashed me a soft smile before kissing my cheek.

I was taken by surprise and he could tell.

"Good night, Oscar." I said as he just walked out. 

I closed the door and let out a sigh.

"Fuck!" I mumbled to myself as i walked to my room. I need to sleep this shit off. Today has been a long day. So many thoughts were running through my head.

I took a shower and went straight to bed.

I couldn't help but think about Oscar. The way he acted towards me. He was just being nice. Yet here i was, falling into that. I better not be catching feelings. I couldn't.

I know how that will end. End in heartbreak, like it did back when i was 15. Im doing so good now. I have everything i could ever want.

A good boyfriend, great friends, my family is doing better than ever, i have everything going right for me for once. But now that Oscar is back, i cant help but notice that empty part of myself that hasn't been fulfilled.

I thought i was happy, until his return.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now