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Ariella's pov

"Okay i set up the spikes." Roman spoke into the walkie talkie.

"Okay good. Letty take the lead. Once the bus stops from the flat tires we'll just secretly attack the guards into giving us Dom and Oscar."

"On it." Letty says as she drives ahead of us all.

"You sure this plan will work?" Trey looked over at me from the passenger seat. I nodded my head at him as i continued to drive up the long ass road to nowhere.

"Roman how far ahead did you put the spikes?" Brian questioned through the walkie talkie.

"Uhhhh you guys passed them."

"Shit. It didnt work." I shouted.

"Well what now? Whats plan b?" Roman freaked out.

"There was no plan b." Tej let out a sigh.

"We thought this would work and not its embarrassing because it failed." I groan.

"Not much of a fail yet." Sad eyes called out.

Then we all noticed two race cars coming from the side of the road going at full speed.

It was Martín in one car and Sad Eyes in the other.

We all watched in complete utter shock as the guys rammed right into the side of the prison bus causing it to tip over.

"Shit." I mumbled as it crashed down.

We all jumped out our cars and looked as the bus completely broke down. Windows broken. Well duh it was knocked over.

Now i was worried if they were okay or not.

"Trey you check if they're okay. I gotta get Dom and Oscar." I ordered as i ran over to the bus.

Far far awayville (Dom knows a guy who has a house in the middle of nowhere)

"Shit you guys." Tej groaned as we all walked over to him.

"This aint looking good. We're on the news as the world's most wanted crew." He pointed to the TV. All our faces were plastered onto the screen.

Hahah fuck.

"For what? You were accused of killing one person.. how does that make you worlds most wanted?" Roman complained.

"Maybe its because you knocked over an entire prison bus and killed several people." Dom suggested as Letty treated the gash on his head.

"Yooo im world most wanted." Martín chuckled as he dapped up Sad eyes.

"How are you feeling?" I looked over at Oscar.

Things were really weird between us.

Like before he got arrested we were fighting. But maybe we can just get passed that.

"Im all good. Just a few scrapes." He gave me a small smile as i put a bandage on one of his cuts.

I nodded my head and watched as Oscar's happy smile turned to a whole ass 'i wanna kill someone' look in seconds.

He was staring right at Trey. Like what the fuck man.

"Babe stop." I let out a sigh as i smacked him back into reality.

"Why is he here?" He gritted his teeth in annoyance that Trey had to go into hiding with us.

"Bebe he helped us get you out."

"Helped? Nahhh he was a passenger."

"Hes the crew's helper." I pouted at Oscar.

"Well tell hamburger helper head ass to go back to Freeridge."

"He will get arrested!" I pouted.

"And we care why?" Oscar raised a brow.

"What? Your mad at him for exposing your secret relationship?" I gave him a look.

We could start again if he really wants.

"Ariella don't start. Im fuckin tired." He rolled his eyes as he stood up to head upstairs into one of the empty bedrooms.

"Im tired too." I followed him.

I followed him into the room and watched as he git into the bed and tried falling asleep.

It was so silent.

"I love you." I muttered.

But no response.

Now i was in tears.

I really dont know what my life is anymore.

Im World's most wanted, fighting with my husband, and away from my kids. Also not to mention my parents could lied to me about everything.

Im a whole train wreck.

"I love you too." I flinched at the response as i looked over to see Oscar looking at me.

"Come here... its cold in here." He pulled my body closer to his so we could cuddle.

"Dont cry mamas... we'll get through it." He whispered softly as he kissed down my neck.

"I cant help but cry. Oscarr... whats going to happen? Am i ever going to see my kids again?" I sniffled.

"Yesss baby you will... they are safe i promise..." he held me tighter.

I still needed to bring up the whole Santiago thing. But right now i just wanted to sleep.

I just gave him a small smile.


Kinda short my bad.... but im excited for the juicy lart to come out hahahaha

The fact that they ket her take the photos is maddd fake hahahah

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The fact that they ket her take the photos is maddd fake hahahah

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now