54- friendship

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"Who did it?" Oscar as Letty cleaned up the blood from my lip.

"Oscar dont." I warned him. I wasnt going to involve anybody in my business.

"It was that fuckin stupid ass Justin guy wasnt it?" His face got all red.

Then as he was about to punch the wall Hector stopped him. "Homie its all good we'll take care of it." He said trying to calm Oscar down.

Oscar being mad was an understatement. A side i never thought i'd see.

I sighed as i looked at my fucked up lip. I felt like crying. Again.

Here it comes.

I started to tear up again and this time Jamal hugged me. "Dont cry beautiful baby." He smiled as he kissed my forehead.

Then he shoved a piece of cake in his mouth. "Try some its hella good." Jamal smiled with cake in his mouth.

I couldnt help but smile. Then i walked myself to the the kitchen to get some cake. It was hella bomb not going to lie.

Then Oscar walked up to me.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?" He asked as i ate my cake.

"No." I said as i held up my fork to his face. "Try some." I smiled at him as he tried not to smile. I did this in hopes that it'd change the subject.

"Pleasee?" I smile and he finally gave in and ate the cake off my fork.

"Who made the cake?" I asked looking around the house.

"Sad eyes and Nevaeh." Hector answered as he ate some cake as well.

After everyone left it was just me and Oscar.

In my room. On my bed.

Watching Shameless.

"The Gallagher men are hella fine." I practically drooled.

Oscar just rolled his eyes and continued to watch.

"Veronica got some nice titties." He said as a scene of Veronica and Kev fucking came on.

I just laughed and changed the channel. "Okay lets watch something else before you get hard." I laughed and Oscar just smirked at me.

"Too late." He said and i immediately hit his arm.

"Nasty ass." I laughed and he just kept looking at me.

"What?" I stayed frozen as i look at him in confusion.

Is my lip bleeding again?
I quickly touched my lip to check for blood.

"You aint bleeding." He sighed as he turned off the tv and sat up and leaned against my head board.

"Whats up?" I questioned.

"Before all this happened. Were you avoiding me?" He asked.


"Ariella?" He asked as i just looked back at him.

"Yes. I was trying to avoid you." I sighed.

"Why? What did i do?" He frowned.

"Nothing." I was quick to say. "Its just.... Julian didnt want me talking to you anymore so thats what i did." I frowned.

That was stupid of me because i ended up getting played again.

"Damn so you picked Justin over me? Woww. True colors." He shook his head playfully.

"Nooo you cant say that." I laughed it off.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You cant be mad i picked Julian over you because you picked Nicole over me." I said and he got quiet.

"But we didnt even get together." He folded his arms and smiled to himself.

"Oh yeah. Arent you with that Desi chick?" I laughed.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Hows that going?" I questioned as he just shrugged.

"Its going."

"What the fuck?" I laughed confused as i got up to put vaseline on my lips.

"Yeahh. I dont know. Shes kinda clingy." He sighed.

"I was clingy." I pointed out as he walked up to me.

"Yeah but you were a cute clingy. Desi is way too fucking clingy. I cant even shit in peace." He said. "Give me some." He said and i laughed as i applied some vaseline on his lips.

"Yeah Julian was clingy too. But he was nicer to me. Well until he hit me." I mumbled the last part and Oscar started getting all mad again.

"I cant believe that dumbass had the audacity to do some shit like that." He sighed as he sat down at the chair of my vanity.

I really didnt feel like talking about Julian anymore. It just made me more scared.

"I wish i could beat his stupid ass up." He frowned.

"Aww so you're gonna finally listen to me for once?" I smiled as he shook his head.

"Nah i sent the guys to do it for me. Just so i can spend some time with my best friend." He smiled at me.

"Awww im your best friend?" I squealed.

"Yeah. You know everything about me. Even shit i dont know." He laughed. "Dont tell Sad Eyes though, he'll get butthurt."

"So if we are best friends does that mean you will do anything for me?" I smiled.

"Yeah of course. What is it?" He questioned.

"Promise me we wont let other people get in the way of our friendship?"

His eyes softened on mine.

"Of course."

Our pinky fingers intertwined together.


Hmmmmmmmmm interesting.

Also i kinda love Oscar and Ariella's friendship.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now