72- true friends

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

"So are you guys fucking?" Nova asked as she handed me a wrench.

"What? No! Hopefully she doesn't catch feelings though." I shook my as she just shook her head. I continued to fix the hood of my car.

"Oscar of course shes going to catch feelings dumbass." She rolled her eyes. "I swear you just like to cause drama."

"What the fuck. No i dont. I cant control who falls in love with. I can only control who I fall in love with." I admitted.

"And who did you fall in love with?" She smirked at me, already knowing the answer.

"You know who." I glared at her for even pushing the question.

"Okay okay. So you and Kaila are just friends?" She questioned. "Does she know that?"

"She knows I have a rule on not dating the Santos girls. I made that rule for a reason. Its too complicated." I continued

"Why don't you give her a try? You know she's liked you since 8th grade right?" she laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you trying to play the ghetto matchmaker right now, Nova?" I glared at her as i slammed the car hood shut.

"I'm just saying." she put her hands up in surrender. "It wouldnt hurt to explore other people. The only girls you dated were Nicole and Ariella. Maybe if you were more open to others you would see your options."

"I dont need options. I have made my choice a long time ago." I gritted my teeth. "I dont need anybody else and I dont want anybody else. Just her. Just Ariella. So stop trying to play cupid and leave my relationship status alone."

"Didn't she want you to move on? She didnt want you to wait for her?" she crossed her arms at me.

"Since when did i ever follow other peoples requests?" I scoffed.

"I just thought that because it was Ariella's request that you would listen." She said and i shook my head.

"Im waiting for her." I said confidently. "It could take days, weeks, months, years I dont care. I'm waiting."

Nova's pov

I couldnt help but feel bad for Oscar.

He's waiting for Ariella.

When i went to visit her we had a long talk about when shes better again and comes back that she would never get back with Oscar. That she couldnt go back to that part of her life. That she just wanted to focus on herself.

I dont know how i was gonna break the news to him.

I dont think i can tell him. It would break his heart.

Cesar's pov

"Hey Cesar!" Andy called out as he walked over to me with some kid that I've always seen at the races but never talked to. I remember Ariella telling me he was really cute but she was still with Julian so when he made a move she rejected him.

"Whats up?" I nodded at them.

"You guys never met before?" Andy asked and we both laughed and shook our heads at him.

"This is Derek." Andy introduced him.

"Im Cesar." I introduced myself.

"Do you race too?" Derek asked me

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"Do you race too?" Derek asked me.

"Me? Not my thing the only reason i go to the races is cause of Andy and Ariella." I laughed.

Derek just smiled. "How's Ariella?"

"Shes getting better." Andy answered. We both visited her a few days ago. It was fun to see us all united again.

"I have her in my english class. Its kind of boring without her there not gonna lie." Derek laughed.

"You guys talk?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Yeah we sit next to each other but i only talk to her in that class." He shrugged. "Never really have the time to hang out at the races."

Now we were sitting at a table.

"Woahh." Andy mumbled. "Since when did Nevaeh hang out with Jada?"

We all watched as Nevaeh walked with Jada and her snotty group of friends.

"What the fuck did we miss?" Andy mumbled in confusion as to why his ex girlfriend was hanging out with Nevaeh.

"Apparently Sad Eyes and Nevaeh broke up a few weeks ago." I said and Andy's eyes widened.

"Oh shit forreal?" He asked as i nodded.

Derek just looked at us confused. He didnt hang out with us enough to know the shit going down. He was lucky.

"Wait isnt Nevaeh close with Ariella?" Derek questioned. "I recognize her from the races."

"They were. Until Nevaeh went MIA on Ariella when she was going through shit." I sighed.

"What a true friend." Andy rolled his eyes as Nevaeh looked over at us.

I shook my head and looked away.

Ariella honestly deserves the world. I feel so fuckin bad that she is in a psych ward trying to get better because she feels as if she isn't good enough for the people in her life.

While some of her so called friends are out here with people who hate her for no reason.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now