71- no trace

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

"Everybody know what they doin?" I asked the guys as i grabbed my gun.

The Santos nodded their heads as i nodded as well. "Good. I want no Prophets in that house alive when we are done, got it?" I demanded, people mumbled a response as they got into place.

I got some of the Santas in the group that were keeping info on everything. Who was connected to who, what their routines were and who would be where at this specific time.

The leader of the Prophets, Daryl has two sons.

Dmitri and Latrelle. Those were his boys. They were the Prophets new generation.

Or at least was gonna be.

"Hector lets go." I said and he nodded to me as we got out the getaway car and bust the apartment door open. It was filled with multiple Prophets hanging around smoking and drinking in the living room. They definitely were expecting visitors. I aimed my gun at the first guy in front of me, before he could pull the gun from his waistband he dropped to the floor. Blood spilling from his white shirt. It was Latrelle.

The rest of the guys quickly followed me inside. Leave it to Martín to be trigger happy. We aired the place out in under a minute. Not a live soul left in here.

It obviously wasnt all of them but it was what the new generation was going to be. All traces were gone.

We quickly piled into the getaway car and one of the cholas, Kaila quickly sped off.


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"Is everybody good?" I asked and everyone responded with a yeah.

Thankfully none of us got hurt tonight. We knew we hit the prophets hard. We hit them where it would hurt. I knew the retaliation would be ten times more dramatic and chaotic because you never think logically when you lose someone you care about.

We just killed off the young ones. Thats definitely gonna make more tension to rise later on but this needed to be done. I've let the Prophets get away with too damn much.

I was done letting these putos kill us off. Its time they know Spooky is back and i dont play.

Next morning

"Gracias Señora." I smiled at Sad eyes' mom as i carefully handed her Malina.

I was dropping her off for the day. I needed Malina far away from the Santos house. Especially right now. Sad eyes' mom was the biggest protector, especially back in the day. She ran with the Santos and she would kill and die for us. I trusted her with my daughter.

"Anytime mijo. I love having Malina around." She smiled as she held mi princesa.

"Okay well if you need anything just call me and I'll come right away." I said and she nodded.

"Dont worry. She will be safe." She said while shooing me away.

I nodded and walked out the house and back to my car that Kaila was in.

Kaila. She was always a chola. Her dad was a Santo like mine. Since everything has been so hot around the block she's been involved more. Usually she helps run the drug business more than the streets.

I could tell she likes me. Maybe she always did. The guys always tease her for the crush she had on me in middle school. But we're grown now. I had no intentions of going there with Kaila.

She was cool to be around.

Who knows? Maybe this will be a test to see how loyal I can be. It doesn't matter how many girls are around me or how hot they are. Only one girl has my heart and she's not here.

"You ready?" i glanced over at Kaila. We had business to take care of.

"Always." she smirked at me.


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