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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"Eight-inch big, ooh, that's good pipe
Bad bitch, I'ma ride the dick all night!" I sang along as Oscar and i drive through the lovely LA traffic.

"Stop yelling out my dick size. Everyone knows." Oscar turned down the volume.

"Not gonna lie that shit slaps." Terry joked from the back seat.

"Shut up." Hobbs also said from the back seat.

"Dont tell me to shut up." Terry gave attitude. This isnt gonna end well.

"Do you wanna see my badge!" Hobbs screamed in his face.

"WE FUCKING GET IT! You work for the federal law enforcement! Shut the fuck up already!" Terry complained. "You're annoying with that shit." He huffed.

"You are annoying too bitch." Oscar said from the passenger seat.

"Im sorry Oscar this is an A and B conversation. Mind your own business." Terry yelled.

"Dont make me go back there!" Oscar turned his body to face Terry and Hobbs.

"Go ahead and try! Your fat ass won't fit." Terry laughed.

"Oh so now you gonna fat shame? Hell nah." Oscar shook his head as he took off his seat belt and made his way to the back seat.

"Ariella! Control your ugly ass fiancé." Terry yelled trying to fight off Oscar.

"Babe! Im driving! Can you cut it out!" I laugh as he finally stopped and sat back in his seat.

"I KNOW FOR A FACT YOU DIDN'T JUST THROW MY BEANIE OUT THE WINDOW." Terry shouted as he popped his head out the window.

"It flew away." Oscar shrugged. "And stop yelling!"

"I will not stay silent any longer! I will stick up for myself!" He kept bitching.

"If you dont shut up in .2 seconds i will throw you out the window along with your beanie." Hobbs yelled which kinda scared me too.

"YAY! We made it." I cheered as i parked the car at the venue we were going to look at.

"Finally!" they all yelled as they got out the car.

I just laughed at their bitchiness towards Terry.

Oscar came up to me and grabbed my hand as we walked to the entrance of the place.

I already loved the place. It had a nice garden and it had a garden.

But i dont know...

"So is this the place you wanna get married at?" Oscar held me close to him as we watched Hobbs and Terry argue off into the distance.

"Yeah its cute." I smile.

"But i dont know.. i feel like we should get married in a church." I smiled. "Also i wanted to have the reception at our house. But we can take our wedding pictures here."

"Really?" Oscar grinned because thats what he wanted in the first place.

"Yeah i've been thinking... i dont really want a big wedding." I turned my body so we were now chest to chest.

"We could literally get married in a dark alley and i wouldn't care. As long as we married at the end of the day." I say which made Oscar laugh.

"I love you bebe. But hell nah we aint getting married in a dark alley. Your dress will get ruined." He says as he pushes strands of hair behind my ear.

I just smiled at him as i lightly pecked his lips multiple times. I could feel his mustache poke my face.

"Stop touching my leg!" Hobbs yelled at Terry but we didnt even bother looking at them.

"Next time lets not take them." Oscar whispered to me which made me nod my head.

"Okay boys get in the car." I yell.

"What! Already?" Terry looked at me confused.

"Yeah. We decided to have our wedding at the church and the reception at the house." I smiled at Terry.

"But your house won't fit everybody." Terry scratched his head.

Thats when Oscar just smiled at Terry.

Ohhhh do we have a lovely surprise for him.

Not just him but everyone is going to be shook.


Lmao Hobbs and terry's relationship is kinda funny to me.

Also i kinda want drama at the wedding but at the same time i dont because THATS THEIR FUCKING DAY!

Some bitch can ruin it another day.

Also if you havent already go vote for what wedding dress on the chapter 120!

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now