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1 month later

Ariella's pov

"Good morning Mrs. Diaz." Oscar smiled as he laid on top of me.

"Good morning.... husband." I giggle as i kiss him.

"I made you breakfast." He grinned at me as he got up and picked me up from the bed.

"I can walk yanno." I laugh.

"Yeah i know. But i wanna carry you cause your a little babyyyy." He laughed as he set me down at the kitchen table.

"I love you mi amor." He said in his baby voice.

"Oh good mornin yall." Terry walked into our new kitchen.

"How did you sleep in the new house?" I grin as he sat across from me.

"Good. The walls are thicker then the old house but i can still hear yall making babies." He laughs as he takes a piece of bacon.

Oscar and i just shared looks with each other.

We was just a tad bit horny last night.

Just a tad.

"So whats on the agenda?" He questions as all three of us ate breakfast.

"Mama!" Malina walked up to me as she held her stuffed monkey that Oscar bought her.

"Yes mi amor?" I smile at her as i set her on my lap.

"Oooo." Her eyes grew wide once she saw the scrambled eggs.

"Open up baby." I say as i fed her some of the eggs.

"How is papas cooking?" Oscar asks her as she just grinned at him.

"It was good?" He questions as she nodded.

"Thats my girl." He smiled to himself as he ate his food.

"Im not sure what we are gonna do today." I shrug.

"Come with us." Terry whined as i laid in my bed with Oscar.

"No. I dont feel good." I pout as i lay my head in Oscar's chest.

"Dont let me be all alone. Andy is taking his new girl and Cesar is taking Monse." He pouted. "Im gonna third wheel."

"Ask Nova to go with you." I laugh.

"She went to Sacramento to meet Trey's family." He sighed.

"Then how about you dont go." Oscar added.

"You're fake." He fake cried as he ran out the room slamming the door.

Once i heard the front door shut my mood changed real quick.

"Finally. I thought he'd never leave." I giggle as i cuddle with Oscar while he plays video games.

We had the house to ourself. Well actually no we dont.

Malina was sleeping in her own room.

Yes! She is now learning to sleep by herself.

And she is actually loving her own room.

"Hey can you pay attention to me?" I pout as Oscar continued to play his video games.

"Im busy hold up." Oscar said so focused on the game.

"No pay attention to me." I whine as i sit up and try to cover the tv.

"Baby stopp." Oscar laughs as i glare at him.

I just watched him play. Until i came up with the best idea.

I got under the covers so i was up close to his dick.

He was fully naked so it was just right there.

I just smiled to myself once i had the greatest idea.

I had firm grip on that shit as i just kissed the tip of it multiple times.

"A-Ari-iellaa." Oscar stuttered as his boner started to show.

I just laughed to myself as i peeked out the blanket.

"You better stop playin with me." He frowns.

So I started sucking his dick and then out of nowhere i bit it playfully. Not hella hard but he winced.

Then i got out of bed.

"Ariella what the fuck? You just gonna leave me hanging like that." He groaned in annoyance.

"Yeah. I was tryna give you some lovin but you ignored me sooo." I laugh as i walked out the room.

"Nooo come back." He whined.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now