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Ariella's pov

"Ariella go home. I got things under control over here." Trey smiled at me as i tried fixing a car.

"Yeah i cant." I laugh.

"Why?" He raised his brow.

"Terry told Oscar and I that he was having a girl over so we can't go over there. He think we are gonna be cock blocks." I laugh.

"Damn. But isn't that your house." Trey chuckled as he carried a bucket of dirty oil to the back.

"Try telling him that." I sigh.

"Anyways. How far along are you?" He referred to the bump.

"Almost going to start my third trimester." I smiled. Just thinking about my son made me so happy. I couldn't wait for him to come out.

"Oh wow. I have no idea what that means." He laughed as he cleaned his hands.

"Im 26 weeks." I laugh.

"Thats a lot." He laughed.

"Yeah anywaysss. How are things with you and Nova?"

"Yeahh lets not talk about that." He shook his head while laughing to himself.

"What why? I thought you guys were doing good." I looked at him confused.

"We were. Until she just broke up with me out of nowhere." He shook his head.

"What the hell." I am confusion.

"Yeah. No explanation. Which i think i deserve one."

"Im sorry about that. I dont really know what up with her. We havent talked in a while." I shake my head.

"She doesnt talk to anyone. I dont know whats going on with her."

"Well i'll reach out and figure out whats wrong." I smile at Trey as he nodded his head.

"Thanks Ariella." He gave me a side hug.

"Of course. Now if you need me i'll be next door." I smile as i walk over to Oscar's taqueria.

"Mi amor!" Oscar got all excited as i walked over to the kitchen.

"Hi bebe." I kissed his cheek.

I leaned against the counter as i watched him make ceviche.

"So have you talked to Nova lately?" I ask him as he just nodded his head.

"She called in sick this morning. Thats about it." He shrugged. "Why?"

"Just concerned."

"Okay detective Diaz. Why don't you go home and rest now?" Oscar chuckled as he checked on the other workers to make sure they weren't burning the food.

"I cant. Terry has his girl friend over."

"Wait they are official?" He served two plates of ceviche.

"No but they probably will be. I mean come on... Terry is a funny guy. Girls love funny guys." I say grabbing one of the plates and following Oscar who had the other plates.

"Enjoy your meal." Oscar grinned at the family as we set the food on the table.

"Awww look at you." I smile at Oscar who had his cute cooking apron on.

"Stop." Oscar started blushing as i practically gush over my cute ass husband.

I still cant get over the fact that he has his own taqueria.

When he's a gang leader, father, husband, and business owner.


"Soooo what did you guys do?" I smile at Terry as we sit on his couch.

"Talked." He started blushing to himself.

"Whats her name?" I smile as i pet Sparky whos head was resting on my lap.

"Robyn Thompson." He smiled.

"You think it went well?" Oscar joined in on the conversation as he sat next to me.

"Yeah." Terry smiled to himself.

"Awwww my best friend is growing up." I pout as i hug Terry.

"I know right." Terry laughs. "Its about time i find some love. I get kinda lonely watching you guys be in love."


This chapters sucks

:/i sowwy

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now