68- coke bottles

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

I let out a laugh as Malina gave me a smile.

"I love you princess." I smiled as i gave her kiss on her head.

"Are you daddy's best friend?" I looked at her and her big brown eyes. She just smiled at me.

"Oscar!" Nicole yelled.

"Yeah?" I yelled back as i carried Malina out to the living room where Nicole was at.

"My mom is coming to town for the week so i told her to watch Malina while we go on a date." She said as she started doing her makeup. 

"What? Why did you do that?" I raised a brow.

Just thinking about leaving Malina made me sad. Plus Nicole and I arent anything. I've made that clear time and time again.

"You go on a date, Nicole. I'm staying home with Malina." I said before walking back to the room with Malina.

Letty's pov

"I miss her." I pouted at Dom as he cleaned the oil off his hands.

"I know i do too." He sighed.

I just stared at the car she was fixing the day before... that day.

"You know... before the incident i walked into here and saw her working on the car." I said and Dom just looked at me.

"She looked so frustrated." I continued.

"She was so angry she couldn't fix the car and just started hitting it with the wrench." I wiped my eyes.

"I stopped her and tried to calm her down, but i never asked her what was wrong." I teared up again.

"I wasnt there for her!" I said getting mad at myself as i kicked the stool.

"Letty." Dom said as he walked up to me.

"She needed me, Dom!" I cried. "And i wasnt there! If i just asked her what was wrong and i let her talk to me... i couldve saved her." I sobbed into his chest.

"I let her down and because of that i couldve lost her too." I frowned.

"It is not your fault." Dom said as he rubbed my back.

"Things just happen, mamas. You cant save the day all the time and thats okay... Ariella is okay now. Shes getting strong by herself." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Im scared Dom. I thought she wouldn't harm herself again. I dont want to see her like that ever again." I sighed.

Cesar's pov

"Im surprised you even showed." Andy said as i sat down in the seat across from him.

"You are lucky i like Javier's tacos." I said and he just nodded in response.

"Have you talked to Ariella since the incident?" Andy asked.

"I go every week." I answered.

"How is she?" he seemed hesitant to ask. I knew he cared about her, he was just afraid of what I'd say. Like a part of him was worried her health worsened.

"Shes getting better." I said and he just nodded.

"I broke up with Jada." Andy said.

"Why?" I looked at him.

"She confessed to the shit she said to Ariella. I also realized how much ive changed because of her. And you were right. Ariella has always been there for me and its my fault that I couldnt be there for her." He sighed.

"Glad you finally noticed." I said blankly. I didn't care if i sounded like a dick.

"Yeah." He said as our tacos came.

"Look man... i miss hanging out with you and Ariella." He said as he finally made eye contact. "And if you forgive me, I promise I wont ghost on our friendship again."

I gave him a blank stare. Then in a matter of seconds we both busted out into laughter.

"Geez, Andy. You're making it sound like a romance movie."

He just continued to laugh as he cleaned the top off his coke bottle with his shirt.

"For Ariella." He lifted his bottle.

I picked my bottle up too. "For Ariella." Then we clinked them together before taking a drink.


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