Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful Friday morning and Anastasia Starline was hours away from her flight to Japan.

Her heart was racing and her excitement was at an all-time high.
Seto Kaiba, THE Seto Kaiba had invited her to help him host the Battle City Tournament, she was to be an honoured guest that had the opportunity to Duel the winner. As well as offer her companies security services for the benefit of the tournament.

By now her bags were already packed and she had permitted her help staff to take extended paid time off from the house as she was unsure when she would be returning.

While in Japan she would continue to run the company where possible, else it was maintained by her mother in her absence.

- FF -

Ana had now arrived in Japan, her private Jet had landed at the airport and preparations were made for her disembark. As she stepped off the jet there was a limo waiting for her, and standing beside it was Mokuba, Seto Kaiba's little brother.

Ana walked over and was met by the little boys' sweet smiling face.

"Welcome Anastasia!" he called out.

"Hi Mokuba, long time no see, you've certainly changed" Ana replied.
"Yeah it's been a while"

"Well you can blame your brother for that" Ana teased.
"Oh yeah, well maybe I shouldn't have invited you then" said a voice.

Ana smiled and turned around to be met with Seto Kaiba himself.

"Oh well, I MUST be very special, he even came to the airport to meet me" Ana mocked as she smirked at him.

"What's all this blame nonsense?" Kaiba questioned.

"Well, you don't write, email, call or anything, and when you do its cause you want me to help you with something. Now that's not nice is it?" Ana replied.

Kaiba sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, please Anastasia, you know I'm busy, and it's not as if you would have time, too would you?" he questioned back.

Ana paused and sighed back.

"Well...I suppose..."

"Doesn't matter, we're just glad you came!" Mokuba interjected.

"Well me too" Ana smiled.

Kaiba then extended his hand towards Ana and they politely shook.

The two business tycoons go back a long way back to a time when Kaiba's step-father Gorzoboro Kaiba held the torch of the Kaiba Empire.
They had both first met at an event where all the top business people of the world would be meeting, Ana had attended with her mother and father so as to make a good impression on the family.

Ana recalled specifically how the two had met, she had been sitting down hear the buffet table having something to drink when Kaiba came to the table and got himself a drink too. As he did she took note that he was looking at her, as a result he was paying attention to his drink and spilled it on the table.

She lightly laughed and saw him stuttering to clean it up, so she got down from her chair and helped him.

"There we go, all clean" she sweetly said.

"Thanks for the help" Kaiba replied

"You're welcome, my names Anastasia, Anastasia Starline" she introduced herself.
"Seto Kaiba, I'm Gorzoboro Kaiba's stepson.
"Oh cool, so you're part of Kaiba Corp" she enthused.
"Yeah, but I don't think I've heard your name before" Kaiba said.

"We're a new business, we're popular in Europe, but we're planning on expanding over to this side too well my parents are" she smiled.

The two were clearly quite mature for their age, it was a cute sight to see them chatting together.

"Well good luck, for all you know we may cross paths again some day" Kaiba said.

"I hope so, would be cool if we did something together one day" Ana replied.

"Maybe one day" Kaiba responded with a light blush

The two future tycoons shook hands with innocent smiles between them.

Coming out of her flashback, Ana smiled at Kaiba before getting into the Limo, as she they got settled the driver proceeded to load her things into the boot of the car. During this time there was silence until they proceeded out of the airport runway.

During the drive Ana was admiring the view of the the city and structure of modern Japan.

"It's amazing here" she sighed.

"Well it's not bad" Mokuba joked and chuckled.

"So Seto, how long has it been since we last saw each other?" Ana questioned, putting Kaiba on the spot.

"I'm not sure, I think it was that tournament, an exhibition match, where Pegasus was dueling Bandit Keith.
"Oh yeah" Ana realised.
"He invited you somewhere and only during the match did we cross paths for a bit, then I didn't see you after that" Kaiba concluded.

"That's right, but I think he told you what he needed me for though didn't he?"

"Yeah, you and your parents were supposed to mass-produce some duelling systems for him" Kaiba responded. 
"Oh and we did, they were used in the Tournament he hosted not too long back" she boasted playfully.

By now the had finally arrived at the Kaiba mansion, it was indeed impressive, a huge white mansion with hundreds of windows; all finished off with marble and pillars to support it.

"Wow" Ana gasped.

"I know, it's impressive" Kaiba smirked, clearly proud of his home.

"Oh, it is, it reminds me of my mansion in Paris" Ana teased.

Kaiba rolled his eyes as Ana giggled. The car door then opened and Kaiba got out first and extended a hand to Ana to help her out.

"Thank you" she politely said with a smile.

A soft breeze was blowing and the smell of flowers all around the mansion drifted with it, Ana took a deep breath and smiled at the freshness.

"Oh, the weather here is much better than London. 80% of our weather is rain and the rest is sun and snow" she groaned.

"Well this should be a good change for you then" Kaiba said.

Ana then realised Kaiba still had her hand, quickly she pulled it back and cleared her throat.

The driver then took her bags out the car, seeing this she went to help him.

"Oh Miss Starline, please it's alright" the driver pleaded.
"Don't worry about it, these are my bags after all" Ana replied.

The driver was lost for words.

Ana popped up the handles on her bags and followed Kaiba to the front door.

"I don't know if you know this, but working is what I pay these people for" Kaiba sarcastically remarked.

"Seto Kaiba lighten up, nothing wrong with being compassionate and courteous" Ana sternly responded.

"You always were too much of a nice person" Kaiba sighed.

"I'm not above carrying my own bags" she cheekily spoke.

The door was then opened by a servant and Kaiba stepped allowing Ana to enter first.

"Welcome to your new home for the next few months" Mokuba sweetly said as he stood next to Ana.

"I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here" Ana smiled

"Come on, I'll show you to your room" Kaiba said, and motioned his hand towards the stairs.

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