Chapter 36

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Several weeks had passed and sadly Ana had heard nothing from Yami or Kaiba.
It was an oddly clear and sunny day in London.
Ana was at her desk flicking through emails waiting for the day to end.

"Miss Starline, Apple are on the phone- again" said the receptionist over the intercom.
"Tell them we're not interested" Ana groaned then stood up and sighed, somewhat bored she strolled over to the window and gazed upon the city.
"I wonder how Yami got along with uncovering his past" she sighed once more, then suddenly screamed from the top of her lungs, a giant Dragon flew past her window.
"What the hell?!" she exclaimed.

She pressed yourself against the window and was both shocked and amazed. Duel monsters were flying and running all over the city.

"Oh my God!"

Kuribo's were perched on the London Eye viewing pods, Dragons were circling Big Ben and mermaids and sea creatures were swimming in the Thames.

"This is amazing, Kaiba must have set this up as a publicity stunt for his theme park" she enthused.

Quickly she logged onto Sky News website to see how viral this was going.

"We will now take you to a press conference where Gaming Company President Seto Kaiba will make a statement" said a news announcer.
"We've done extensive testing on our holographic simulation systems, now I can confirm without question that these sightings are unrelated to Kaiba Corp. Our state of the art technology is working perfectly" Kaiba explained.
"Well that's unexpected-wait- holy shit that means they're real!" Ana gasped and glanced outside one more.

Instantly Yami came to mind.

"Oh God, Yami, he may need help- Charlotte, get the jet ready and get me a car- I have to go back to Japan, Domino City" Ana said on the intercom to her PA.
"But Miss Starline you came back not long ago" Charlotte pleaded.
"I know, but I'm needed there, I want to leave in the next hour!" Ana demanded.

In that moment she rang her maid and had her pack her bags.

"I have no idea why, but I feel I need to be there to help him" she said to herself.


Packed, flown over and landed. Ana was now on her way to Domino City.

"If I'm right Yugi's grandfather owns a small card shop- hopefully everything is ok" she whispered.

By the time she arrived at the shop doors it was evening.
The limo parked right by the door and she made her way inside.
But upon doing so, she was surprised to see the store was a tip.

"Hello, anyone here?" Ana called out.
"Yes, one moment" said a voice from inside.

Then she saw an old man come from a door leading upstairs.

"Hi" Ana said.
"Hello, excuse the mess, how can I help you?" the old man said.
"Looks like you could use help- um I'm looking for Yami- I mean Yugi, he lives here right?" Ana asked.
"Yes, he's my grandson- wait you're Anastasia Starline, you were part of the Battle City Tournament. Yugi speaks about you a lot" Mr Mouto smiled.
"Oh well, I'm flattered, here let me help" Ana insisted.
"I couldn't let you do that"
"I'm not above helping others" Ana smiled and picked up the papers and scattered cards from the floor quickly.
"Thank you, I wouldn't really have been able to do it that quickly" Mr Mouto said graciously.
"My pleasure, do you have a broom?" she asked.
"Ah yes, over there, but please don't do any more, you've done enough"

Ana grabbed the broom and began sweeping regardless.

"It's no bother Mr Mouto, so why is this place a mess and where's Yugi?" Ana asked.
"We were robbed, they stole the 3 Egyptian God Cards, Yugi and his friends went after them" he explained.
"The God cards are gone?! Where did they go?!" Ana demanded.
"I don't know, they could be anywhere" he sighed."Oh dear, I barely know the city; I can't really go running around looking for them"
"I'm sure they are fine, why don't you stay, I'll make you something to eat" Mr Mouto offered. "Oh no, that's ok, I have a hotel booked, but soon as you hear from them, call me" she instructed and handed him a business card.
"I hope they are ok, goodbye Mr Mouto" Ana excused herself and took the limo to the hotel.

Once there she quickly settled in and waited for the phone call. Thankfully it came around 10pmMr Mouto confirmed that Yugi was safe, but he still didn't have the God Cards, and as soon as he got home, he went to bed.

"If possible can you come to the Domino Museum tomorrow in the afternoon, around 3?" Mr Mouto asked.
"Yes I can"
"Thank you, there's someone I want you to meet" he explained.
"Ok, I shall see you then"

Ana cut the phone and eventually settled into bed with great relief that they were safe. But she was curious to see who she were meeting tomorrow.

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