Chapter 68- Capsule Monsters 3

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Mr Mouto and Ana had been wandering for quite a while now.
"I'm getting knackered" Ana moaned.
"Me too, I'm not as spry as I used to be" Mr Mouto agreed.

Soon a small waterfall came into view.

"Oh thank goodness, water" Ana sighed.

She knelt down at the side of the pond and scooped water into her hands and sipped it.

"Much better" she smiled.

Mr Mouto did the same and they sat to rest for a short period of time.

"So you came here to check out this pyramid huh?" Ana asked.
"Yes, Alexander had called me about this place, it was supposing the origins of an ancient game" he explained.
"Well, that explains why you're here" Ana giggled.

"Hehe, well why are you here my dear?" Mr Mouto asked.

"I was on my way to India for a business meeting, my plane somewhat crashed, so I had a wander around and well found the pyramid too" she explained.
"Hmm how unusual" Mr Mouto commented.
"Not really, I think it's just dumb luck, either way, we need to find out where we are and how to get out of here" Ana encouraged.

She then stood up and helped Mr Mouto to stand, and the pair continued walking until they came to a Cliffside overlooking a beautiful white sandy beach.

"Reminds me of Mauritius" Ana said and smiled as she breathed in the salty air.

Suddenly there was a rumbling sound, Ana gasped as she and Mr Mouto looked to see a sea monster attacking 2 smaller monsters, which appeared to be "Thunder Kid" and "Happy Lover" from the Duel Monsters world.

"Oh dear" she gasped.
"Well it looks like they could use some help" Mr Mouto said.

With that he brought out his summoned skull.

"Summoned Skull- Lightning Strike!" he ordered.

With immense power the attack hit the sea creature head on, destroying it.

"Ooh, nice shot" Ana said and shook Mr Mouto's hand.

She looked towards the beach at the other monsters and gasped, laying there were Tristan and Tea, it appeared the impact of the attack knocked them out.

"What on Earth..." Ana trailed off.

"Let's see if we can help" Mr Mouto said.

Summoned skull then held Ana and Mr Mouto and took them to their friends; he gently sent them down then vanished into his capsule.
Ana checked their pulse and confirmed they were fine, just worn out from the last fight.

"That looks like Tea and Tristan!" said a voice.
"Not to worry, they just needed a little rest that's all" Mr Mouto explained.

Ana's eyes softened as she saw it was Yugi.

He looked at his grandfather with such a happy and relieved expression.

"Howdy, know where I can find a headband around here?"
"Grandpa you're safe- don't ever scare me like that again!" Yugi yelled and jumped his grandpa in a large embrace.

Ana smiled as she watched them then cleared her throat.

"Hey Yugi" she said and waved her hand.
"Ana, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I think we should all find somewhere to camp, then talk about all this, besides its getting dark" Ana suggested.

Eventually Tristan and Tea stirred awake to see Yugi, Mr Mouto and Ana before them.

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