Chapter 38

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Morning finally came but it was a restless night regardless.
Breakfast had been brought to Ana's room, mid-way through eating however, her phone rang.

"Starline Enterprises, Anastasia Starline speaking" she responded.
"Hello Ana" said a familiar voice.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed red, it was Yami.

"Oh, good morning Pharaoh, um how are you?" she bashfully asked.
"I'm very well, Ana I must ask a request and a favour of you" he said politely.
"Yeah, alright, how can I help?" she replied.

Yami explained how he, Yugi and their friends got a package from Pegasus outlining that they are to come and meet him, regarding who is behind all this chaos. They needed to fly to his head office and Yami lovingly requested that Ana accompany them.

"Of course I'll come, come to the Ivory Hotel, I'll have a copter to take us tomorrow morning" she explained.
"Thank you Ana" he graciously said.
"My pleasure"

After cutting the phone, Ana decided to call Pegasus herself.

"Pick up" she whispered.
"Hello" he replied.
"Pegasus, it's Anastasia Starline, Starline Enterprises" she introduced herself.
"Ah Miss Starline, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he suavely said.
"Don't start you know why I'm calling, the worldwide Duel Monsters malarkey" she abruptly said.
"Yes, it's causing quite a few problems to say the least. But I imagine Yugi boy has already asked for your help" he teased.
"He has, why?"
"I assumed you would be there to help him, it's almost typical" he replied smugly.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she scoffed.
"Oh please, I've read the tablet, I'm fully aware you're the apparent Princess destined to help him" he responded.
"I'll email you the flight details, it leaves in the morning" he interrupted.
 "Thank you and do take care" she said, with concern.
"Why Anastasia I had no idea you cared so much" he teased.
"Well I do, see you tomorrow" she said.

After the call she forwarded the details to Yugi and arranged a transfer to the airport.

"Time to pack again"


Throughout that day Ana had spent it in her hotel room, making arrangements for their journey and covering things for work.

"I wonder...well I worry" she said to herself.

Fearing KC was a target like Industrial Illusions, Ana contacted her mother and sales team, demanding that shares of the company are not to be sold until further notice.
Thankfully this helped to put her mind at ease, knowing things were safer.

"I know we don't specialise in Duel Monsters, but I would hate to see anything happen to my company"


It was the next day. Ana was waiting on the hotel roof with her bags, Yugi and his friends were on their way to meet her.
The copter had landed and was set to take them all to the airport, the flight was near 12 hours long from Japan to California.

"Miss Starline, your guests" said a hotel assistant.

Ana turned around to see Yugi and his friends.

"Good morning guys, shall we?" she said and motioned towards to copter.
"Hey Ana, thanks for helping us" Yugi smiled.
"I couldn't say no to Yami" she replied.

The pilot then opened the copter door, once onboard everyone exchanged formalities. As they proceeded towards the airport.

"Did Pegasus exchange additional information?" Ana asked Yugi.
"Nothing else except this-"
"Miss Starline, we are at the airport" the pilot interrupted.
"Show me on the jet Yugi" Ana said.

Swiftly they all boarded the private jet set for California US.
The jet was very roomy with extensive leg room, Joey sat down first, followed by Tristan and Tea in a 4 seater section. Ana however sat separately near a window, to your surprise, Yugi had come to sit beside her.

"Someone wants to talk to you" he smiled, then suddenly Yami appeared.
"Hi Pharaoh" Ana blushed.
"Hello Ana, it's wonderful you could join us" he politely said.
"Yeah but darn the circumstances" she replied.
"Remain seated, take off will commence shortly" the pilot announced.
"So, how've you been?" she asked.
"I've been fine, I've missed your company" he replied.

Silence fell between them as they jet took off and stabilised in the air.

"So last night, the wild wind and madness, what happened?" she asked him.
"Something called "The great beast" it's been awakened, that is what's linked to all that's happening" Yami explained.
"Well what stopped it?" Ana continued to ask.

Yami then pulled out a card, a teal dragon was imprinted on it with a teal boarder and no writing.

"Wow, a dragon, what is it exactly?"
"The Eye of Timaeus, this is what stopped that monster" Yami explained.

Until lunch time, Yami explained how he got the card, and about the dream he had regarding 3 frozen dragons and the Dark Magician Girl.
It was rather far-fetched, however considering everything that happened on their last encounter, Ana was willing to believe most of this.

"Well this is serious, but can't you unlock the other 2 Dragons, we could use them" Ana theorised.
"Apparently 3 warriors are meant to, I'm only one of them" he further explained.
"I see, well, I hope the others appear and help soon; something tells me we're on a time limit here"

Yami sighed and leaned back in his chair, worried for him, Ana reached her hand over and held his.

"Everything will be fine, we'll get through this and I'll help you every step of the way" she reassured him.

Yami smiled and tenderly held her hand back.

"I appreciate that" he gratefully said.

For a few moments they both locked eyes and got lost in each other's gaze.

"Lunch is served" said the airhostess.

The interruption caused them to snap out of it and release their hands.
Food was brought to them and they ate in silence, once finished Ana spent some time looking out her window.

"I assume Pegasus contacted you too?" Yami asked.
"Actually I called him, I wanted to see what he knew, but he said I should just come and he'll explain everything"
"That reminds me" Yami paused then reached into his pocket and pulled out a Duel Monsters card with a gold key on it.
"He sent this to us, apparently, it's very important, but I'm not sure what it is" Yami explained.

He then handed the card to Ana.

"Well it could be a form of ID or authorisation key of some kind perhaps" she theorised.
"I suppose that makes sense, but we'll see when we get there" he replied.
"I suppose we will...well, we need to get some rest" Ana smiled.

She then lowered her chair until it was flat, Yami followed her actions until they were both laying down.

"Good night Pharaoh" she yawned.
"Good night Ana"

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