Chapter 61

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Despite her best efforts and impressive strategies- Rebecca still lost the Duel.
Leon was victorious in his tactics and was clearly a very impressive young duellist.
Yugi congratulated Rebecca on her efforts and hugged her.

"Well played Leon" Ana said and shook his hand.
"You'll be facing Zigfried, so we better press on" she added.

Ana then left, heading to the main office.
It had been a crazy day and the finals would be held tomorrow as well as the concluding match for the title.
But for now, everyone had retired to their complimentary rooms.

Ana had been in the main computer room prepping for tomorrow not realising that it was late.
Tired, she made her way to the lobby, and upon doing so saw Kaiba there signing into the building.

"Seto, you're up late" she commented.
"I could say the same thing to you" he responded.
"I've been checking some bits and bobs for tomorrow, I imagine you did the same. Did you just come back from the Kaiba Dome? She asked.
"Yeah, certainly a lot to go through tomorrow"
"True, but it's the last day, so this should be plenty exciting" Ana smiled.
"Oh Miss Starline!" called the receptionist.
"There is someone here to see you, he's in the waiting room" she said.

Ana was confused, who would want to see her this late at night?

"Thank you" Ana graciously said and excused herself from Kaiba, who took the lift up to his room.

Upon walking into the waiting room, she was surprised to see Yami there, sitting almost nervously.

"Yami, what are you doing here so late?"
"I was hoping to speak to you" he responded.
"Oh I see, well sure, let's go outside, I need some air anyway, being indoors most days gives me cabin fever" she joked.

So together they went outside into one of the small gardens beside the building.

"How's Yugi's grandfather?" Ana asked.
"Much better and thank you for your help" he complimented her.
"Oh, I didn't do anything, you duelled and won, I just handled some legal issues. No idea how you people in Japan think other people can get away with things like that" Ana responded.

Yami sweetly smiled at her, and that all too familiar silence fell between them once more.

"Well since things have calmed down a bit now, I'm glad I can have this time to speak to you" Yami articulated.
"Well I'm glad that you're glad, now is there something specific you needed to say?"
"Yes, actually, I feel now is the best time to explain myself"
"Explain?" she repeated, confused.
"Yes and I ask that you forgive me"

Out of the blue, Yami grabbed Ana by the shoulders, held her in his arms, dipped her back and passionately kissed her.
Ana's eyes were wide with shock before fluttering closed, she eventually wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss.
Seconds later Yami pulled back and gazed into her eyes.

"I...I'm so sorry, I...I couldn't help myself anymore" he apologised and helped her to stand up properly.

Ana's face was burning.

" long have you been holding that in?" she shyly asked.
"Not long after meeting you" he responded.
"I see....why though, I mean what do you even feel for me?" she asked him.

Yami paused for a moment and sighed.

"I adore you Ana, everything about you, your strength, your kindness, your understanding- I feel stronger in your presence, like anything is possible" he responded.

Ana knew Yami was the more confident side to Yugi, but such display of affection and such ability to express it was rather surprising, not something she would have expected at all.

"I see..." she whispered then cleared her throat.
"And, I would like to know how you feel" he asked her.

Putting her on the spot to say the least.

"Well, I'm not sure in all honesty, I haven't really thought about it...I guess I let things like that pass me by when I get wrapped up in my work" Ana lightly giggled nervously.
"I understand, but I don't need an answer from you right now, but please think about it?" he asked her.

Ana's eyes met with his and for the fist time she saw them soften, this was unlike the Pharaoh, it was surprising to see him in such a vulnerable state.

"I promise I will think about it" she agreed.

Yami embraced her and kissed her cheek before walking back to the hotel.
Ana then ran inside and up to her room, once there she closed the door and leaned against it and slid down to the floor holding onto her knees.

"What the hell just happened there?!" she gasped and rested her head in her hand.

This was not what she was expecting at all, how bizarre, what was he thinking, how could such actions be carried out by him. It was totally unexpected, and now she had to fight with how she felt, and in all honesty, she never did think too much about how she really felt about the Pharaoh, they were certainly friends, but was there truly anything beyond that? 

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