Chapter 5

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Ana then heard her phone ringing and upon answering it, she was rather surprised.

"How'd you like the announcement?" said a familiar voice.

Ana smiled before looking up and lightly laughing, it was Kaiba, and he was on the phone while hovering over the town.

"Very impressive" she replied.
"I know, I'll be returning to the mansion now, do you need a ride back?" he bluntly asked.
"No, I'll take a cab"
"No...Mokuba will come and get you" Kaiba insisted.

Ana tried to refuse but Kaiba said Mokuba was already en-route and would be there soon.
Not wanting to bother with a debate she agreed, with that Kaiba cut the phone and the helicopter turned around and made its way to the mansion.
Ana then picked up her bags and turned around...only to bump into someone- seems to be a common thing today.

"Oh, gracious me, I'm so very sorry!" she rapidly apologised.

It was then she noticed- once again- it was Yugi but the smaller Yugi, not the one she met in the museum earlier.

"Funny how we keep running into each other" Yugi joked.
"Yes, it is, so can I help you?" Ana bluntly asked.
"Actually, if you don't mind, I'm rather curious..." Yugi trailed off.
"Oh, about what?"
"Well...I've never seen you around town before and now I've seen you 3 times today" he stated. "Fate maybe" Ana replied, unsure of how to react to such a statement.
"Yeah maybe" Yugi nervously laughed.
"Anything else I can answer for you?" Ana asked.
"Yeah, um if it's all the same...what's your name again?" Yugi asked, still nervous.
"Miss Anastasia Starline and I know you're Yugi Mouto" Ana responded.

Ana then saw the blonde and brunette girls Yugi was with earlier make their way over to them.

"Hey Yugi, who's your friend?" the Blonde girl asked.
"Oh right, um Anastasia this is Mai Valentine and this is Tea. Guys this is Anastasia Starline" Yugi introduced them all.
"No way! It can't be! I thought you were based in London" Mai exclaimed.
"You know her Mai?" Yugi asked, confused.
"Yugi where have you been. She's the owner of Starline Enterprises; they mass produce Nano-technology and have a long line of Cell phones they sell all around the world" Mai remarked. "Gracious me, I have a fan" Ana smiled.
"I love your phones; I'm getting my hand on the next one" Mai beamed.
"I'm flattered to hear that Miss Valentine"
"So, since you're here among a lot of duellists will you be in Kaiba's tournament?" Yugi asked, curiously.
"Ah...well actually you see-" Ana started.

Suddenly she was cut off by a beeping horn.
Everyone turned and looked behind towards the road and saw a black limo parked there, a driver came out and opened the door and they saw Mokuba waving.

"Hey Anastasia come on! Seto wants to see you before bed!" he called out.
"Um...coming Mokuba" Ana nervously laughed.

She lightly blushed knowing that he didn't exactly use the right phrase there.

"Please excuse me, it was lovely talking to you all, but I must dash" Ana abruptly said and swiftly left.

She smiled nervously and walked past them throwing her bags inside the limo and waving to them as the door closed; and then began to drive off.

"I see you met Yugi and his friends" Mokuba noticed. "Yes it would seem I did" Ana replied.

Thoughts then came into her mind about how strange Yugi was when she first saw him and when he...changed, for some reason she could tell that it wasn't was him but there was something different like another part of him had appeared. There was so much difference between the Yugi she saw and the other one everyone would see on TV and magazines.
Ana sighed and then turned to face Mokuba.

"So, what did Seto want?" she asked.
"Um something about the'll have to go and see him about it" he replied. "Yeah, I imagine I will"

Not long into talking did they arrive at the mansion; Ana grabbed her bags and went up to her room. Before seeing him she quickly changed and then began to make her way to his room, she knocked on the door and shortly after heard a "come in" from Kaiba.

"You wanted to see me Mr Kaiba?" she playfully asked.

Kaiba smiled and came from behind his desk to the front and sat on it.

"Yes I did" he responded.

Ana then walked in and closed the door behind her.

"I need you to look over this CD; check and ensure the database is completed and the statuses are up to date" Kaiba instructed.
"Okay, database of what?" she asked.
"Duellists, that information will determine if they are good enough to enter my tournament or not" he snobbishly responded.
"Ah, I see. Do you have a confirmation list?" she added.

Kaiba then picked up a crimson red file folder and handed it to her.
"Thank you"
"That has all the required information you need. The CD is in the back of the file, I'll need you to check, update, improve and upload it to the Kaiba Corp system. So, the registry offices have access to it, to confirm the duellists who are entering are qualified" Kaiba explained.
"Very well, I'll have it done before the evening is up" Ana smiled.
"I should think so"
"Oh, and I bumped into a friend of yours" Ana coaxed.
"And who might that be?" he sternly responded.
"Yugi Mouto" she slyly smirked.
"Believe me Anastasia, he is no friend he's my rival competition" he replied irritated.
"Well I look forward to seeing you both Duel each other in the finals"
"Think he'll make it that far?" Kaiba remarked.
"I believe his title is 'King of Games', so yes, I think he will"

Ana then turned around and sighed, this database will be done and dusted in no time. So, she thought best to do it before going to bed.
With that she went back to her room. She closed her door and set the file on the bed.

"Better get on with it I suppose; hmm..." she said to herself, looking at the clock on the wall she saw it was 8PM.
"Well, by about half 10 I should have the entire database done. Then off to bed"

She then grabbed her laptop and lay on her front on the bed, she proceeded to open the file and get started.

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