Chapter 12

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Thanks to Anastasia Mokuba escaped, his only regret was leaving her behind.

"Don't worry Anastasia, Seto won't have you left there for long" Mokuba said to himself.

Mokuba managed to escape the pier and had a run to KC HQ. Immediately he tracked Kaiba's location and took a helicopter to him.
Thankfully he wasn't far, in fact he was on the roof of the Domino shopping mall.
All too soon Mokuba had arrived and saw him and Yugi.

"SETO!" Mokuba called out."Mokuba?! He escaped!" Kaiba said, relieved.

The copter landed and quickly Mokuba ran to meet his brother.

"Mokuba, are you alright? Wait...where's Anastasia?" Kaiba asked, realising she wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"She helped me escape, but those creeps came in and got her again. But Joey is there too!"
"Oh no!" Yami gasped.
"Come on we're going to save her. And Yugi I made you a promise, so you can come to find your friends" Kaiba said.
"Thank you Kaiba"

The three of them then boarded the helicopter and Mokuba pulled out his mini computer.

"I've managed to track Joey's signal, it's faint but it's coming from the same place me and Anastasia were" Mokuba explained.
"Then that's where we're going"

On-route to their destination, Yami had explained much to Mokuba and Kaiba, about the Millennium items and that he was a 5000-year-old Pharaoh.Kaiba however refused to believe it all and his only main concern was saving Anastasia and getting the God cards.

"Look the Rare Hunter's hideout is there" Mokuba pointed out.
"Pilot begin out decent" Kaiba ordered.
"Hey guys I think, yeah, I see Joey on the Pier!" Mokuba called out.

They landed, and they all jumped out and met with Joey.Earlier as Ana was still confined to that room the door opened and there was the same figure once more.

"What do you want now?!" she groaned in frustration.
"Just to take you away!" said the stranger.
"Your mind crap won't work!" she screamed.
"Well I don't plan on using that on you" he scoffed.

He then approached Ana and pressed his hand on her shoulder. Suddenly then she passed out.In the darkness of being passed out she began to hear voices and someone was calling her name.

"W...what?" she muttered.

Steadily she opened her eyes and to her great surprise and shock she saw that she was on the side of the dock. But that wasn't all, she were strapped onto a chair and there she saw Yugi and Joey chained to the pier, and it looked as though they were getting ready to duel. And to top it off she saw Kaiba and Mokuba standing on the edge.

"What the?! HELP! GET ME OUTTA HERE!" Ana screamed.
"I don't think so Princess, anyone make a move and I end your life, look up" Joey said- clearly still possessed it appeared.

Slow Ana looked up and saw a huge metal crate suspended above her.

"Oh fan-flan tastic! Joey what's going on?!" she screamed.
"He's not Joey, Marik is controlling his mind!" Yami explained.
"O...oh no...what's happening?!" she gasped.

Yami then explained that whoever lost will be sent deep sea diving permanently.Ana were speechless, and unable to do anything she just had to sit and watch what would happen. Through it all tears were shed, hearts were hurting, and minds were more so confused with everything that was happening.
Joey was trying to fight, but it was very hard, Marik's mind control was strong, and through it, Yugi swapped places with Yami in hopes of trying to reach his friend.
Ana cried, and watched the pain unravel, and with only 1000 life points for didn't look that great. Suddenly -with great surprise- arrived four more people. Three Ana recognised, Tristan and Mai Valentine and Tea. But the other girl and boy she had no idea, but it seemed as though Mokuba knew them.

"Yugi and Joey's other friends, I can only imagine how painful this must be for them" she whispered.
"Keep quiet little girl, Marik would rather nothing bad happen to you but if I can't help that then it's not my fault or problem!" said the guard manning the crane, he then waved around the controller that would release the metal crate.

He then jumped out the crane and stood ready.
By now the duel was coming to a strong close, and the 60mins were running out, and if the duel didn't end soon then Joey and Yugi would both die. Suddenly Joey burst into screams as he was battling that creep in his head, he was really struggling, and Yugi was trying to help and support him, trying to break free from this horrific spell.
But with only over a minute left, it would be hard. Joey then stood up and with great reluctance he was forced to play the card that was in his hand, "meteor of destruction" And in a great flash, Joey broke free from the spell.
The attack was absorbed by Yugi's face down card, but he had to redirect the cards attack, and he chose to aim it at himself.

"30 seconds left!" Ana screamed, suddenly a helicopter appeared and flew right towards the crane but before hitting it, Kaiba forcefully threw his Blue eyes at the Rare hunter, knocking the remote out of his hand.
"Big mistake!" shouted the guard.
"Not really!" Kaiba sternly responded, and punched the guard down, knocking him out.
"" Ana gasped surprised.

The copter flew over and knocked the whole crane into the sea, then Kaiba and all the others then ran to Ana.

"Anastasia are you alright?" he asked.

But Ana remained silent; Kaiba then pushed the buttons to release her.

"Are you alright?" he repeated.
"You so owe me for this!" she yelled.

Then Mokuba ran into Ana's arms.

"Anastasia! You're alright" he rejoiced.
"I couldn't be better. Now let's help the others!" she said.

But by the time they returned to the Duel, Yugi had directed the attack at himself, and with a great powerful hit, Yugi's life points hit 0. Causing him to fall onto his front and the box before Joey opened, and inside was a key to free him.

But with the effect of meteor of destruction, red eyes black dragon was Yugi's only monster on the field and with that Joey had his life points cleared out also, and as a result Yugi's box opened revealing his key too.
In that moment Ana then saw the young red haired girl removing the white bandages from her eyes; slowly she opened them.

"I...I can see!"

Just as Joey was trying to save Yugi, the anchor fell, and Yugi and Joey were dragged under!

"O...oh my god!" Ana gasped.

Suddenly Yugi floated to the surface and Tristan dove in and pulled Yugi out.

"Joey didn't take his key!" Mokuba yelled.
"Give it to me and I'll go back" Tristan instructed.

But before Mokuba could get it the red haired girl had jumped into the water with the key in hand.

"Is she crazy?!" Ana called out.
"Serenity!" Tristan yelled.

After what seemed like a long time, Joey and his sister Serenity resurfaced.

"Joey!" Yugi screamed.
"Yugi! What's up!" Joey joked.
 "This has been a waste of time, I need to get back to my tournament" Kaiba sighed.

Everyone then made their way to the pier and began to walk away.

"Hey Kaiba! We couldn't have gotten outta this mess without you, so thank you" Yugi said, gratefully.
"I did what I had to Yugi, besides, no one captures my brother and gets away with it" Kaiba responded.
"Oh, of course" Yugi responded.
"Come on, I'm really tired, goodbye everyone, see you at the finals" Ana politely said and waved as she, Kaiba and Mokuba left.

Upon reaching the main road Kaiba called for a limo and in no time it had arrived.

"I for one need a long rest, I'm so very tired, and my wrists and ankles are killing me!" Ana groaned.
"Thanks again for helping me to escape" Mokuba graciously said.
"Oh, come on Mokuba, you know I couldn't very well leave you to stay with me in that place, heaven knows what would have happened to you" Ana responded, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ana smiled and looked out of the window sighing, and her thoughts trailed back to what had happened further back when Yugi was facing Slifer the sky dragon.
She then wrapped her arms around herself and shuddered.

"What's wrong with you?" Kaiba asked.
"Well, I... it's just that, I was thinking about what happened earlier, I know it's silly, but it's still weird how that Marik person calls me "Princess" and talking about winning my love for power and all that" Ana explained.
"Oh, come on Anastasia, you don't believe any of that for a moment, do you?" Kaiba scoffed. "Well considering everything that's happened...I.... I'm willing to go on a little faith" she responded.
"Believe what you want to, but to me it's just a bunch of complete nonsense" he dismissed.
"So, you tell me Seto" Ana sighed.

The rest of the journey was in silence, and soon they arrived back at the mansion.

"Well goodnight" Ana smiled and went straight to her room.
"Bloody hell it gets warm around here" she gasped.

Quickly she changed into a black strap top and her underwear. After which she made her way to the balcony, she spread apart the curtains and pushed open the balcony doors.
The fresh flowery scent from the garden flooded the room causing her to breath in calmly.
Suddenly her bedroom door opened, and she spun around to see Kaiba.

"Seto?" she questioned, confused.
"I...I...I was just coming to say goodnight and let you know- are you in the middle of something?!" he asked attempting to maintain eye contact.
"W...why would you say that...?" she responded, blushing.
"Well, why are you in your underwear?!" he questioned loudly.
"I'm sorry, but it's warm, and well I...look I didn't think you'd come in! Besides don't you knock?!" she shouted back.
"Okay, I'm sorry" he apologised.
"Now that you see me in this state, not that it matters, may I help you?" she asked.
"Just letting you know that everyone is meeting tomorrow evening, don't worry about the location we will be going together in the copter" he informed her.
"Alright, well if you'll excuse me, I think we should all rest" she smiled and swiftly made her way over to him and placed both hands on his shoulders.
"Sweet dreams Seto" she said and lightly pushed him out the door, she then leaned against the door frame and rested her left hand on her left hip.
"See you bright and early, I'm sure we'll go through the preparations and so on" she said and stepped back while closing the door.
"Well that wasn't embarrassing at all, who does she think she is wondering around like that? I mean there's a kid in the house too but knowing her she wouldn't be like that in public, she's not that sort of person" Kaiba thought to himself.

Then the image of seeing Ana in her underwear popped into his mind; her long, soft tanned legs the curves of her body from top to bottomKaiba sighed and felt warmth reach his cheeks, instantly he threw the shameful thoughts of his business associate out of his head and made his way back to his room to get settled for bed.

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