Chapter 78

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A few weeks had passed since Ana had been to Japan, and her unexpected trip and adventure that happened in India.
In spit of that, she kept in daily contact with Seto and Mokuba, relaying her events and catching up on things.
During this time she had informed her mother of her current relationship status, of which she was all too was the media in London who were hounding her every other day.
But she learned to ignore this and continued to carry herself with grace and dignity.

It was the day of her flight back to Japan, she had taken a few days off in order to assist the Domino City museum with some exchanges between them and the British museum for various artefacts.
Which mean she would visit and stay with Seto for the next few months, this side business of her family allowed them to have continually growing assets and investments in a variety of different businesses and industries, of which her mother and Ana were all too keen to be a apart of.

Once on her private jet, Ana had spent her time reading a book she had received in the post, it was a fascinating and mysterious journal that outlined the discovery, navigation and theories behind a Tomb hidden in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt- known as "The Tomb of the Nameless Pharaoh".
The story was fascinating like that out of an Indiana Jones Movie, but more historically accurate.

Upon her arrival, she had her things sent over to the Kaiba mansion and she proceeded to the museum to look over some documentation.
When she got there, they were closing up for the night, so she had the place to herself, that was what she initially believed.

"Princess?" said a voice.

Gasping Ana turned around to see Ishizu standing there with a smile.

"Ishizu, goodness, what are you doing here?" Ana asked.
"I'm helping with the moving of the artefacts" she responded and came to join Ana at the front desk.
"Oh really, I didn't know you were a curator" Ana commented and continued flicking through papers.
"I am, since I'm a descendant of the tomb keepers" Ishizu responded.
"I see, well there are a bunch of thins being sent to London I believe- "Ana started.
"Actually, that's not entirely true" Ishizu interrupted.

Ana turned to face her confused, with the expression coaxing her to elaborate.

"There are a number of things going back to Egypt"
"Egypt- has all this been cleared?" Ana asked, confused more so.
"They have, the curator has signed this all off..."
"Really, well that is fascinating- I would certainly have loved to have gone, it's been a while since I've seen anything new in terms of artefacts and what not" Ana trailed off.

Ishizu smiled and made her way to the door.

"I see no reason as to why you should not go, the destination and the details are on the desk, good luck" she said and proceeded to leave the building.

Suddenly she got a phone call half way through her administration work.

"Hello- oh hi Seto- how are- what...Bakura- isn't that Yugi's friend- that is so strange- Mokuba is what- how is he now- oh, oh thank goodness, yeah I arrived not too long ago. My things have been brought to the house, I'm at the museum working on the curation project. I was hoping to make my way to you both in an hour or so" Ana began to explain.

Seto agreed to what Ana would be doing and hung up the phone.
Ana still had to explain that she needed to leave for Egypt tomorrow morning so as not to miss out on the excavation.

Once an hour had passed, she rapidly made her way to the Kaiba mansion via limo, on her arrival she stormed into the house calling out for Seto and Mokuba.
Seto then appeared at the top of the stairs, Ana ran up towards him and they embraced.

"Where's Mokuba, is he alright?" Ana asked concerned.
"Yeah, just low on energy, he's in his room resting" Seto responded.
"Oh good, I'm glad. So, what happened anyway?" Ana asked as they two of them made their way to one of the lounges upstairs.

Seto was very reluctant to explain, but did a quick summary of how Bakura kidnapped Mokuba and forced him into a Duel...and gave him the Millennium eye, telling him that he needed to go to Egypt to learn of his "Ancient past" and find out why he has such a strong bond with his Blue eyes white Dragon.
Ana was fascinated by this as it reminded her of the journal she read, but she couldn't show that excitement to Seto, knowing that he really couldn't care less about these things.

"Well funny you should mention Egypt" Ana continued.
"Why?" he said, sternly.
"I've booked a last second flight to go out there, there an excavation going on, and I really want in on it, especially since some of the artefacts from the Domino Museum is going to be transported to Cairo and Alexandria" Ana explained.
"Is that a good idea, if Bakura is out there, wouldn't that concern you?" Seto asked.
"Oh no, I'm not scared of him, besides I have other personal going, so I wont be alone" she responded.

Again Seto was reluctant, but by all means he had no right to stop her.

"I understand, but you only just got here, I've missed you" he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist" Ana smiled and blushed.
"Well I know, but business before pleasure Mr Kaiba" she whispered on his lips.
"Well business is in the we can have pleasure now" he responded in her ears.

Ana's face was flushed red and the heat between then was increasing, with this intense passion growing, this longing, this compulsive instinct taking over...they couldn't help but give in to such desires, so they spent the evening making love until the sun rose the next morning.
Come morning, Ana saw Mokuba was up and having breakfast, seemingly recovered, he embraced Ana expressing how happy he was that she returned...followed by sadness of her leaving once more.
But he understood she was here for he simply expressed that he looked forward to having her come back.
Seto escorted her to the airport and helped her onto her jet, giving her a passionate kiss goodbye, telling her he couldn't wait to have her back.
Ana reciprocated his feelings and still had a smile on her face from last night, she certainly couldn't wait to come back to be with her love.

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