Chapter 3

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"I'm so very sorry!"

"Oh, never you mind, it's alright" Ana replied.

She then stood up and extended a hand to help him up.

"Thanks" Yugi smiled.
"That's quite alright" she replied.

"Hey you're British" he said aloud.

"Actually, I'm Anastasia." she smiled and playfully winked at him.

Yugi lightly laughed and blushed.

"I'm Yugi" he introduced himself.
"I know; anywho, I must be going; see you around Yugi" Ana politely said and proceeded past him far enough and stood behind a pillar and peered around to see he had moved a bit further on.
"Hmm, he's shorter than I thought in person" she whispered.

Suddenly Ana felt a strange charge of energy, she looked back at Yugi and a sudden flash appeared, and there she saw someone else standing where Yugi was, by all means it looked like him but, something was so very different.

"That...well...what!?" she exclaimed, confused.

Ana then felt for her necklace around her neck, she pulled it out and saw that it was glowing.
It was the millennium locket, gifted to her on her 10th birthday by her parents after they went on a trip to Egypt; and since then she never took it off.
But why was it glowing here and now?

She had it looked at by a family friend at the British museum and learned it was an artefact of great power from many years back.

Ana then recalled Yugi was also wearing a Millennium item, the millennium puzzle.

"That could be the reason; maybe these items can communicate with one another." she pondered.

She would have liked to have found out more, but she couldn't well waltz up to Yugi and just ask him. She felt it best to leave the matter for now, besides it was more than likely that Kaiba had invited Yugi to the tournament, so no doubt she would be seeing him throughout the event.

Pushing the matter aside she proceeded into town and visited several shops buying clothes, jewellery and new memory sticks to back up her work onto.
She then thought you would unwind so she went into what appeared to be an arcade.

"I'll let loose here, listen to the announcement and head back to the Mansion" she decided.

She went inside and saw a crowd gathered around a large dance game.

"Wonder what the hub-bub is" she said and walked over to where the crowd was there she saw a girl with brown hair and blue eyes in a pink top and shorts in pink heels. She had beat the guy she was dancing against, he had dreadlocks and looked pretty tacky to say the least.

Ana then saw in front of her that different version of Yugi again.
Not wanting to disturb him Ana then turned to leave and walked outside. There she saw something that caught her eye on a rag stand, she went over and saw there was an Egyptian exhibit at the local museum.

"Now that would be interesting, I think I'll go see it...hmm it should be ah yes there" she said, seeing signs and followed them to the museum.

Once she arrived at the museum she made her way up the stairs, as she did so, she had a strange feeling come over if the building was pulling you towards it.

"There must be something interesting inside or else I wouldn't feel so drawn to this place" she pondered.

She entered the building and began wandering around, as she did, she felt the pull become stronger.
She then looked down at her locket and held it in tightly in the palm of her hand.

"Alright, you seem to know where you're going; so, lead the way" she spoke to it.

The locked seemed to guide her through the museum hallways, soon Ana came to a set of dark blue doors, gently pushing it open she saw a flight of stairs going lower down into the museum.

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