Chapter 69- Capsule Monsters 4

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With sunset being near, everyone had no choice but to wait at the front of the temple.

"Ya know, whoever designed this place picked a bad place to put a river. We'll never make it to that fortress in time" Joey said.

As Ana made her way to the front, as did Yugi, both of which confirmed that there didn't appear to be a way off the island.

"Guys, you need to come see this!" Tristan called out from the temple entrance.
"Did you find a way across the river?" Yugi asked.

Everyone gathered and followed Tristan inside.

"It's not a way over the river, but I think it might be a way under it" Tristan explained.

The group saw that Tristan had found what appeared to be a set of stairs that descended into the ground, the entrance had been concealed by a floor tile, hence why no one saw it before.

"Let's do it" Ana said and proceeded down the steps, once everyone joined her, they began running down an underground tunnel.

"Wait up- we Mouto's have short legs!" Mr Mouto called out from behind the group with Yugi.

Soon a ladder at the end of the tunnel came into view.

"Guess we go up from here" Joey said and started climbing.

Then one by one everyone joined Joey on the surface.

"Where are we?" Tea asked.

The group looked around to see that they were in a forest-type area, around them were small mounds of rocks and in the external surrounding were the odd stone arches that looked like that of Stonehenge.

"Is this place creeping you guys out?" Joey asked, worried.
"With what we go through it'll take more than some rock piles to scare me" Tristan responded.

Nervously Joey looked at the map and gulped.

"I knew it, according to this map were at some ancient graveyard" he responded, nervously.

Suddenly chatting could be heard from the trees, in that moment, Yami appeared.

"Stay close, whatever's out there doesn't sound friendly" he instructed.

Then in a wave, tons of Zombie monsters rose up from the ground.

"They don't look very friendly" Tea panicked.
"True, but I say we have fun with this" Ana said and smiled.

One by one Tea, Tristan, Yami Joey and Ana summoned their monsters.
Ana had summoned her Dark Magician Girl just in time to stop Mr Mouto from being mauled by a Zombie.
Despite their efforts there were so many monsters that things were becoming difficult.

"We're gonna need some help" Tea advised.
"She right, we gotta release more of these monsters!" Joey agreed.

He then leapt at a capsule and rested his palm on it, the capsule began to crack, and a white light emerged, and from it appeared The Flame Swordsman.

"Tea!" Yami screamed and dived to get her out the way of a Zombie's grasp.
As they slid on the ground, their hands touched capsules and from them emerged Dark witch and Kuriboh.
With their powers combined the group managed to rid the area of all the zombie monsters successfully.
Wasting no time, they ran out the cemetery towards stairs that lead to a fortress at the top, on the way Yugi had transformed back.
The run was tiring, and they all stopped at the foot of the fortress to catch their breath.

"Wow...this is amazing" Tea panted.
"Yeah, would have been just as amazing at the bottom of the hill!" Tristan gasped.
"It looked very Roman-esque" Ana observed.
"Come on, this was a piece of cake" Joey smiled.
"Actually, with our luck, it could have been worse" Tristan added, jokingly.

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