Chapter 93

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"Oh, I feel like I was hit by a bus" Ana sighed.

Opening her eyes, she could see she was back in modern Egypt, in the underground room where the tablet was stored.
Everyone else also stirred from the event and eventually stood up trying to get back in touch with reality.

"We're back" Tristan observed.
"Then I guess it's over, the tablet returned us all to the present" Tea added.
"The Pharaoh's here too right guys- I mean he ain't trapped in the past, still is he?" Joey asked.

Yugi then held his puzzle in his hands.

"Pharaoh, are you there?" he asked.

A familiar gold glow appeared and standing there before them once more was Atem.

"I'm right where I belong" Atem smiled.
"You did it" Tea cheered.
"We all did it together, and now the darkness unleashed by the shadow games so long ago is finally over" Atem summarised.
"We need to get out of here, I just want to get home, I've had enough" Ana sighed.

She then turned her attention to Kaiba, who was looking down at something in his hand.

"Hey Yugi" he called out and threw something at him.

Atem caught it and looked down to see it was the Millennium Eye.

"I believe you'll be needing that" Kaiba said and began walking towards the stairs.
"Where did you get that?" Ana asked.

Kaiba however ignored her and proceeded to try and go upstairs, however upon taking one step everyone fearfully looked up to see Bakura staggering down the stairs, then stopping to see everyone.

"Bakura!" Tea observed.
"Hey it's you!" Joey called out.
"Hello, where are we?" Bakura asked in an adorable confused voice.
"Wait a second guys, I have a hunch this is the good Bakura" Joey pointed out.
"Now let me see, that last thing I remember was hearing a strange voice and then..." he trailed off and partially fainted, falling forwards.

Joey managed to catch him and hold him.

"Woah, take it easy pal" Joey said trying to hold him up.
"I need some food!" Bakura complained.
"Good grief" Ana sighed.
"So do I, you see be passing out!" Joey sarcastically remarked.
"We could all use a bite, it's been 5000 years" Tristan added.

Just then Joey realised that Bakura was still wearing the Millennium ring, gently taking it off him, he handed it to Atem.

"Thank you" Atem said.

The two boys and Tea then helped Bakura up the stairs and out of the temple, Ana followed behind leaving Atem and Seto alone for a moment.
Soon, everyone was back on the surface, and met by the Ishtar family.

"My Pharaoh, were you able to recover your lost memories?" Ishizu asked.
"Yes" Atem responded.
"Then after 5000 years our family's task is finally complete" Marik smiled.
"Yes, and the 7 Millennium items are gathered together at last!" Ishizu added."
"Well that's all fine and dandy, but I suppose that means we can all go home now?" Ana asked.
"No, I'm afraid not, now I must seal the items away forever so that I may enter the spirit world" Yami explained.
"You're leaving us?!" Tea questioned.

Atem then turned to face his friends with a light smile.

"This is the final task of my mission Tea" Atem responded.
"Well I suppose that would finish off everything that has happened, by all means that is why you were brought back into this world" Ana commented.

Ishizu then stepped forward.

"Pharaoh, if you and your friends would like us to, we can lead you to the final resting place of the 7 Millennium items" she offered.
"You mean the Millennium stone?" Atem asked.
"That's right, and the inscription above this ancient stone reads as follows: "To the spirit world thou may proceed, but first thou must complete this deed. Return the items whence they came, and speak aloud the Pharaoh's name" " Ishizu explained.

With that understanding in place, everyone jumped in the jeeps and made back to the city, where in a port, a boat was waiting to take them all to the destination.
Upon their arrival however, they were met with a pleasant surprise.
There waiting for them, was Duke, Mr Mouto and Mokuba, they all rejoiced as they met each other once more.
Mokuba immediately ran past everyone and jumped into his brothers arms hugging him tightly, it was such a sweet sight to see.
Of which he did the same as soon as he saw Ana was there also.

"You ok kid?" she asked him.
"I'm great, but I thought you guys had run off together or something" Mokuba teased.
"Oh don't be silly" Ana chuckled.

Reunited with close friends, they all boarded the ship.
It was revealed that the destination was built on an island, and to get to it as dictated by history, a boat was needed as it was considered a vessel for Pharaoh's to enter the spirit world.

Not long after getting on the boat did the sun begin to set, everyone was at the front of the boat happily chatting.
Except Ana, having come back she retired to a room where she caught up with some work and reported her whereabouts to her mother.
Part way doing her tasks was there a knock at the door.

"Come in" Ana replied.

The door opened and standing there was Kaiba.

"Oh, hello, everything alright?" she asked him.

For some reason, there was an air of tension between the pair.

"Not really, maybe you'd like to explain why you were 1. Kissing Yugi, and 2. Carrying his baby" Seto asked.

"I didn't kiss yugi!" she rebuffed.
"Of course you did- more than once" he jealously spat out.
"Kaiba I really don't remember that" Ana responded.
"Well what do you remember?" he asked her, then folded his arms.
"I don't...not much actually-" suddenly she was cut off as her locket began to glow.

Her eyes closed then snapped open again after a few seconds.

"Shanti, the Queen, she entered by body...she kissed Atem- it wasn't me, why would I do that?!" Ana exclaimed.
"I was thinking the same thing, and what about that baby?" he asked her.
"Baby- oh that, well I learned that in the ancient past, Shanti was pregnant with the Pharaoh's child, but due to the events of Zorc the whole Royal family died" Ana explained.

Kaiba wasn't entirely convinced, having seen Ana kiss Atem infront of him still stung.

"I assume you're not accepting my explanations because you don't believe in any of this" Ana summarised.

She had known Kaiba for a long time, and she could not blame him for feeling this way, however...he needed to understand it was all visions of the past, she would never have betrayed him like that.

"I'm not" he replied.
"Well... then I suppose it would be best to break off this relationship, I wouldn't want you to be stuck with me, especially if you didn't believe me or feel the same way as before" Ana said.

She then walked passed him and wandered around the ship with tears streaming from her eyes.

"M...maybe it's for the best" she wept.

For a while she wandered around and soon came to the front of the ship, where she met the others, just in time to hear more information about what needs to be done upon arriving at their final destination, as Marik was about to explain.

"There is another ancient passage inscribed above the millennium stone, it mentions a battle ritual" Marik explained.
"Did you say 'battle'?!" Yugi questioned.
"In order for the Pharaoh to enter the Spirit world, he must first face off against a worthy opponent in battle and lose" Marik explained.
"What kind of battle do you mean?" Joey asked.
"In ancient times this referred to a duel with swords- but it can be a battle of any type, in this case however, Duel monsters would be the most appropriate" Marik replied.

Yugi then stepped forward with a confused expression.

"I don't get what the challenge is in losing a Duel" Yugi observed.
"Well for someone who wins all the time, it must be quite a challenge, he would need to be able to accept defeat from a worthy person in order to accept it and move on" Ana summarised.
"Well you could be right, but where are we going to find someone goo enough to beat the Pharaoh?" Tea asked.

She indeed had a good point, and for a while no one mentioned it further...until night fall.
By now everyone had some food and were once ahead at the bow of the ship, Ana had come out her room, just in time to see Kaiba demand the chance to fight Atem in a Duel.
Of which it peaked Yugi's interest, who thought it did ideally make sense, as they pair had quite the rivalry since they had met...but his overall response was rather surprising.

"I've already made my choice, I'm gonna duel the Pharaoh" Yugi responded.
"You're what?!" Kaiba exclaimed.
"Don't you see guys, this Duel will be a test for me too" Yugi replied.
"You can't play a duel against yourself, Yuge" Joey said, resting a hand on his friends' shoulder.
"Anything is possible, which I believe we have all learned, and I think it's a perfect match" Ana commented.

Enraged by the decision and Yugi's rejection to use the rare cards that he brought, he stormed off with his little brother into their room.
Eventually everyone did the same thing, retiring to their rooms for some sleep, and come tomorrow, they were going to arrive. 

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