Chapter 20

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So it was now agreed, that Ana would take Tea's place and battle against Crump.

"Now pick your cards" Crump said.
"Fine...I choose the Dark Magician as my Deck Master. And I think I should go first. I summon 'Spirit of the Wind' in attack mode, then place this card face down" Ana said.
"Is that all? Well you can both kiss your freedom goodbye" Crump boasted.
"Just play" Ana sternly responded.
"Fine, I summon 'Giant Red Sea snake' in attack mode, and with my deck master's special ability all my face up water monsters get a 200-point bonus" he confidently said.

His monsters attack was now 2000.

"Now I'll activate 'Cold Wave' now neither of us can activate any magic or trap cards until my next turn. Now Sea snake- attack!" he ordered.

Ana gasped as her creature was destroyed taking 300 of her life points. Suddenly she gasped once more as she felt a tight icy grip around her ankles then calves.

"What the-" she exclaimed, confused.
"Oh no, Ana!" Tea called out.
"Tea, stay back! What the hell is all this?!" Ana demanded.

Crump laughed in amusement and explained how every time a player would lose life points they would freeze over. Unimpressed, Ana shivered and drew her next card then glanced down at her hand.

"Don't look too confident girly. Should have known a girl like you wouldn't know anything about Duel monsters or business" Crump scoffed.

Ana remained silent and brushed her hair back.

"Is that so...well, I don't care. I'm still going to try my best, I won't go down without a fight!" she exclaimed in a helpless attempt.

Crump evilly laughed in amusement.

"Well I guess it wouldn't matter if I did this!" she shouted in rage.
"I summon 'Deep Sweeper' his special ability destroys that 'Cold Wave' of yours" Ana explained. "Ha! Big deal!""Oh, it is! Cause I'm about to win this Duel with just the cards I have in my hand" Ana smirked.
"My calculations show that's not possible!" Crump rebuffed.
"Dark Magician setup!" she ordered.
"Foolish girl, I'll destroy him and wipe you out!"
"Ha, yeah right- I play my spell card 'Book of Secret Arts' Dark Magician kill that Sea Snake!" she called out. "No!"

Crump was now reduced down to 3200 life points.

"Oh, and don't forget I have this- 'Deep sweeper' take this bird brain out!" she confidently ordered.

Cutting Crump down further to 1600.

"Nice try! I'm still standing!" Crump mocked.
"I don't think I said I was done. Now I activate my face down card 'Double Attack'. So, I discard my "Dark Magician Girl' to the graveyard and I get the pleasure of attacking you again! 'Deep Sweeper' take out this sorry excuse for an accountant!" she laughed in amusement.
In a flash his life point counter hit 0.
"Game over!" Ana smirked.
"No, how is this possible?!" Crump panicked.
"Your sources were wrong about me! I'm really Anastasia Starline, the info you got is at least several years old! Besides my name changed as soon as my parents divorced which was kept private from the world. Much like the rest of my life, so your calculations were off margin from the start!" Ana explained.

Suddenly Crump vanished into thin air. Ana cheekily smiled as the ice vanished, she then sighed and fell to the ground passing out.

"Ana, Anastasia, wake up!" Tea urged her friend."Tea!" called a voice.

Tea looked to see Yugi running towards them, her face lit up and she tightly embraced him.

"Yugi, thank goodness you've gotta help, Anastasia passed out" Tea explained.
"Ana, wake up!" Yugi pleaded.
"Oh, just restart the server" Ana groaned.
"What?" Tea said, confused.
"I have no idea- Anastasia!" Yugi shouted.

Ana then shot up and gasped.

"Okay, what's that IP address?!" she asked, completely unrelated.
"Anastasia are you ok?" Yugi asked.
"Huh, yeah, I'm fine- Yugi! You're here, thank god" Ana called out, relieved.
"Ana, you dueled?" Yugi asked.
"Um...yeah, I did" Ana sheepishly replied.
"She's amazing Yugi, she took him out in 2 turns" Tea boasted on her friends behalf.
"Really?!" Yugi exclaimed in great surprise.

Ana however remained quiet.

"It was amazing" Tea smiled.
"Anyway, come on, we need to get moving" Ana said and stood up from the floor.

The floor became solid ice and the 3 of them began trying to find their way out of the icy land. As they walked they were contemplating what to do.

"Blimey, what I wouldn't do for some tea right now!" Ana shivered. "I want a hot chocolate" Yugi added.
"Me too, I'm freezing" Tea said. "Here take my jacket" Yugi offered Tea and draped it over her shoulders.
"You're a life saver" Tea smiled and lightly blushed.

Yugi then began rubbing his arms and jumping on the spot, trying to keep warm.

"Glad I grabbed my night gown, but it's still bloody freezing!" Ana gasped.

There was a moment of silence between them.

"Yugi...? I understand that you're worried about your friends, but we will find them- hey- a door!" Ana pointed out.

Wasting no time they all ran through it; only to appear in a magistrate's court room.

"What the-" Ana said confused.
"Joey!" Yugi called out.

He was correct, there was Joey in a witness box with the Duel Monster Judge Man before in the place of Johnson, the ex-lawyer of Kaiba Corp. Having no choice, the 3 of them sat down and watched the duel.

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