Chapter 9

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Morning came, and Ana awoke at 6 am. Since she was up early she had a long relaxing bath and changed into a black dress that was tight at the bodice and flowed down at her sides.She then sat to do her hair and as she were doing so there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" she called out.

The door opened and in came Kaiba with his usual outfit.

"Good morning Seto"
"Ready to start the tournament?" he asked her.
"Sure" she replied.

She finished brushing her hair and grabbed her bag with her laptop in it, the pair then made their way to KC HQ. Once they arrived there was a great hustle and bustle everywhere all over the building preparing everything for today.
Ana, Kaiba and Mokuba went straight up to Kaiba's office to prepare for the big speech. Before starting however, she glanced out the window and looked down upon Domino City at all the duellists walking to the city centre.
Kaiba then sat at his desk and Ana directed the camera and the microphones at Kaiba.

"Ready? Great we're on in 3...2...1-" she counted him in.
"Greetings Duellists, welcome to Battle City!" he started.
"Have the blimp sent out now!" Ana spoke in hushed tones.

The blimp was now hovering across the whole of Domino City with a giant screen attached to it.

"It's time to put your duelling skills to the test, I hope none of you entered my tournament looking for friendly competition. Because Battle City is going to be an all-out war" he smirked. "Nice" Ana whispered.
"Before my Battle City tournament begins, I thought I'd let you all know what you're in for; in case any of you want to back out now. Let's begin with my new Duel disks; everyone I thought was good enough to enter received one. With it you can Duel any time anywhere, they contain a tracking chip that allows me to watch every most you make. Next let's talk about the most important rule, the loser of each Duel is required to fork over their rarest card to the winner. So, if any of you don't have the guts to risk losing your precious cards then I suggest you forfeit now. Anyone who's foolish enough may challenge me to a Duel because I too will be participating in this tournament. But don't get your hopes up because I intend to win, and there's one duellist out there I can't wait to defeat and speaking of winning only the 8 best duellists will make it to the finals which will be held at a hidden location. In order to find the finals, you'll need locator cards, you each received one with your duel disks, but don't get too excited because you need 6 to find the hidden location. Every time you win a Duel you get a locator card from your losing opponent. When 6 cards are stacked together, they produced a map of Battle City, and activate a Global positioning satellite which will transmit the location to you. But the tournament finals are a long time away and many of you will be eliminated long before that. Alright, everything I said can be found in my tournament rule book, just remember only one duellist can hold the title of number one duellist in the world. Now, let the tournament begin!" Kaiba exclaimed.
"And cut transmission" Ana interjected.

Seto stood up and walked over to Ana and Mokuba.

"Stirring speech" Ana commented.
"Yeah, that was great Seto!" Mokuba said, excited.
"I look forward to beating Yugi and claiming those Egyptian God cards" Kaiba smirked.

Ana smiled and turned her attention to the screen.

"I wonder who'll kick off the first Battle City match" Mokuba pondered.
"Yugi" Ana replied.
"What? And how can you be sure?" Kaiba questioned.
"Because it says so on the monitor, look" Ana said, and pointed to the screen.
"No surprise, but how fitting Yugi is starting the very first Duel of my Tournament" Kaiba commented.
"The other Duels are starting too and we're recording all the cards that are being played, so if anyone plays an Egyptian God Card we'll find out!" Mokuba stated, looking at another monitor.
"Rare Hunter- wait a second!" Ana exclaimed.
 "What?" Kaiba said, confused.

Ana then ran to her own computer and brought up the original database she was working on before she gave it to Kaiba.

"I don't remember that name ever coming up when I created the database and I know I didn't add anyone either" she verified.
"Then-" Mokuba started, but was cut off by Ana.
"Oh, that prick hacked into the system!!!" she screamed.
"What?!" Kaiba yelled.

Ana however carried on looking at the screen trying to figure out how he could have got in.

"But how did he get in?" Kaiba questioned, outraged.
"I'm trying to figure that out, but despite it all he got in and now he's facing-" Ana said.
"Exodia!" Mokuba called out.
"No Mokuba he's fighting Yugi- wait a second!" she realised and spun around and was in shock, he was battling the "unstoppable Exodia".

Silence fell for a moment as they all continued to watch the match.

"Big Bro why don't you stop the match? That Rare Hunter is an illegal player" Mokuba questioned.
"Because it's about time Yugi struggled a bit, now he can see what it's like to face Exodia" Kaiba smugly replied.
"Seto, you faced Exodia?" Ana asked.
"Yes, I did. Without that card I could easily have beaten Yugi" he spoke through gritted teeth.
"Yugi won!" Mokuba called out.
"He did?!" Ana replied.
"With a combination of chain destruction which left the hunter wide open, it destroyed all the Heads of Exodia in his deck" Mokuba summarised.
"How many did that creep have?" Ana questioned, curiously.
"3 of each piece of Exodia" Kaiba replied.
"Hmm, that doesn't sound right" Ana stated.
 "What do you mean?" Mokuba asked.
"Somehow, I don't think Pegasus let loose THAT many Exodia cards" Ana theorised.
"That's true, but he's out of the tournament now, so he won't be fooling anyone" Mokuba smirked.
"Still, it was pretty impressive how Yugi took him down" Ana admired.
"Yeah whatever, let's get out there and get on with the tournament, Anastasia you and Mokuba will be the rule commissioners, I don't want any cheaters, and don't forget to keep your eye out for the God Cards" Kaiba ordered.
"No problem, let's go kid" Ana said.

The pair then left the office to monitor the duels going on around the city, they set up on top of a high building not far from the city centre.

"Mokuba I just received a transmission, Joey Wheeler is fighter Espa Roba over there, and I just heard he's been cheating" Ana informed Mokuba.
"But how?" Mokuba asked.
"Lying about having ESP" Ana chuckled.
"Mind reading?" Mokuba questioned, confused.
"Oh no, he's busted!" said a voice.

The pair both looked up and saw 4 kids on the roof of the building above where they were and there were holding binoculars most likely watching the Duel as it was being played.

"Come on" Ana said.

Ana and Mokuba both ran to the roof but Mokuba went ahead of her.He blew his whistle and that caught their attention.

"Violation!" Mokuba called out.

The kids tried to make a run for it, but Ana stood at the door that lead down and out the building, blocking their path.

"Going somewhere you cheaters?" she asked.
"Freeze! Gotcha! Your brother will never Duel in this town again" Mokuba called out.
"We've learned our lesson, please you gotta give him another chance" one of the kids begged. "As the Battle City Commissioner it's my sworn duty to bust cheaters, gimmie one good reason why I shouldn't cancel this Duel?" Mokuba shouted.
"Mokuba you don't need a reason" Ana commented, as she brought up her tablet.

She pin pointed the Duel and with a simple push of a button she could cancel the Duel and Joey would win by default.

"But you can't!" another one of the kids shouted.
"Show some mercy commish, our brother isn't doing this for the duelling glory he's doing it for us" another said.
"We're carnival folk- or at least we used to be, since we left the show, he's kept the bullies of our backs" said another boy.
"Your big brother protects you from bullies?" Mokuba asked, softly.
"See everyday day after school the big kids would gang up on us. But even bullies respect a good duellist like our brother as long as he wins, they leave us alone, we just help him to make sure he wins" one of the kids cried.
"It's still cheating, if I let you go what's stopping you guys from pulling this stunt again?"Mokuba questioned.
"I'm begging, let my brother Duel or we're toast after school. Just give him a chance to go legit, Espa may be a bogus psychic but he's a great Duellist" the kids pleaded.
"Well..." Mokuba said, unsure.
"Oh, let them off Mokuba" Ana sighed.
"Really?" Mokuba replied, almost happy that Ana agreed.
"But listen kids, if I see, hear or even catch anything like this going on I'll have him banned from Duel monsters forever in any country" Ana warned the kids.
"Thanks Miss!" they called out.
"Oh...big brother stories get me every time" Mokuba sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Mokuba you softie" Ana joked.

Ana walked over to where Mokuba was and she noticed Mokuba kept looking to his left, Ana too turned, and her eyes widened. There was Yugi- no – it was his other form standing on the next roof over watching the Duel.

"Excuse me" Ana said and leapt with great strength to the next roof, Yugi seemed to jump and turned around to see Ana climbing over the bar fence surrounding the roof.
"Hello Anastasia" he greeted her.
"Hiya Yugi, lovely seeing you again" she smiled.
"I'm not Yugi, everyone calls me that, but you may call me Yami" he responded.
"Charmed, oh congratulations on winning your first Duel I was impressed" she winked.
"You were watching my match?" Yami asked.
"I hardly miss any of your matches" she responded with a light blush"
Thank you" he replied.

They both then turned back to Joey's match and with much luck and skill Joey won against Espa.

"He's good, I wouldn't be surprised if he made it to the finals" Ana commented.
"He's come a long way since Duellist Kingdom" Yami smiled.
"Hmm, well I wish him luck, and good luck to you too...Pharaoh" she winked playfully and jumped back to the other roof and left with Mokuba.

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