Chapter 8

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Ana was now in the city centre and was on her way to the first sign up station. Once there she entered and saw a man at the front desk with glasses and a yellow bandanna on his head.

"Hello?" Ana greeted as he appeared to be out of it.
"Hmm? Hello, yes, and how may I help you today my dear?" he suavely said.
"How charming, my name is Anastasia Starline and I'm working with Kaiba corp for the Tournament" she introduced herself.
"Miss Anastasia Starline? The best Duellist in Europe and the richest female tycoon in the world?!" he exclaimed.
"Well in a nut shell yes" she smirked.
"It is an honour to have you hear, are you here to sign up?" he asked.
"No...actually, I'm just here to check up on the duel disk stock, as you know we have a limit and what we have is all we have, I would just like to know how many you have left?" Ana asked while pulling out her tablet.
"Well Miss Starline I have only 3 left on my shelf" he replied as he glanced at the shelf behind him.
"I see, wonderful; thank you for your time" she politely said and recorded the numbers before turning to leave.
"Oooh yeah comin through!" shouted a voice.

As Ana turned towards the door, she was knocked onto the floor.

"OW! WHAT THE-" she screamed in frustration.
"Oh, Joey you really done it now" said a female voice.
"Oh gosh here" said a familiar voice. "Thank you" Ana sarcastically remarked.

Ana looked up and was met with purple eyes, to her surprise it was Yugi.

"Yugi?" Ana said.
"Anastasia? Oh, wow it's great bumping into you again" he smiled sweetly.
"Using the literal phrase yeah, but YOU didn't do the bumping" she glared.

Yugi helped pull Ana up as she glared at the blonde boy who knocked her over.

"Sorry for my friend" Yugi apologised.
"Actually, I would appreciate a direct apology from your friend" Ana sternly said, staring the blonde in the eye.
"Look I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to I was just in a rush" he stuttered.
"Apology accepted- oh Tea, right?" Ana noticed the brunette from the other day.
"Yeah, great to see you again" Tea smiled.
"Pleasure is mine, and who are they?" Ana pointed at the other two boys.
"They're two more friends of mine, the guy that bumped into you is Joey and this is Tristan" Yugi introduced them.
"A pleasure I assure you, and you're here to sign up, are you?" Ana asked.
"That's alright, it's just me and Joey signing up" Yugi replied.
"Hmm very well, I hope you have a good time when the tournament starts in a couple days, now if you will excuse me, I have at least one more station to check before I head back, have a lovely day" she said as she walked passed them and out the door.

Back at the registration office, Yugi and Joey had signed up for the tournament and received their Duel Disks.

"So Yug...who was the girl you were talkin to, she's hot" Joey asked.
"Anastasia Starline, the only thing I know is she owns a company and is working with Kaiba on the Battle City Tournament" Yugi replied.
"Really? I thought with Kaiba being the way he is he'd rather do this all on his own" Tristan commented.
"You'd think so but no, me Tea and Mai saw it yesterday, she got in a Limo with Mokuba and they were headed back to Kaiba's mansion" Yugi verified.
"Think she and money bags are an item?" Joey theorised.
"I don't know Joey; I doubt it...why?" Yugi questioned, suspicious.
"Uh no reason! Just Curious that's all" he nervously chuckled.
"You got a thing for her don't ya Joe" Tristan remarked.
"Ah shut it Tristan, I just met the girl, what kinda man would I be fallin for someone like that?" Joey defended.
"A man at all" Tea said, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah whatever, look guys I gotta go, I'm going home to clean up then I gotta get to the Hospital, Serenity is gonna get her eye operation today" Joey beamed and took a few steps back.
"Wish her good luck from us Joey" Yugi smiled.
"I will thanks guys" Joey happily said, he then took off leaving Yugi, Tea and Tristan alone.
"Well I better go too I need to prepare for the tournament" Yugi said and made off in the opposite direction.
"Okay, see ya round Yugi" Tea waved.

By now Ana had just checked up on the last stand and all the Disks were gone, so she made her way back to Kaiba Corp, she took the lift up and to Kaiba's office and knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

"Where would he be?" she asked, confused.

So, she opened the door, but saw no one there.

"I guess I'll just wait around in case he comes back...unless he went home" she pondered.

She took out her phone and rang his mobile, but was surprised when she heard his ring tone going off on the table, he had left his phone.

"He wouldn't leave this behind, he must still be here then, I'll just wait" she said.

She wandered towards his desk and saw some documents for the tournament, so she leaned over and started skimming through it.

"Hmm, so this is where the finals will be held" she read."Excuse me" said a voice.

She gasped and spun around to see Kaiba behind her.

"Oh, you scared the pants off me" she gasped.
"What are you doing?" he questioned.
"Just flicking through some documents" she replied.
"I see, well don't it's meant to be a surprise" he smirked.
"Too late"
"So, you know where the finals are?" he asked, slightly irritated.
"Well I know the location" Ana clarified.

She then leaned against his desk and folded her arms.

"So, how's preparation going, tournament starts tomorrow" Ana reminded him.
"Everything is ready" he responded bluntly.
"Great" she smiled.
"So, what happened with the sign-up stations?" he enquired.
"Only 3 left in 1 place, but Yugi was there to get one" she replied, and looked up to purposefully note Kaiba's expression.
"You saw Yugi?""Yeah, actually a nice guy" she added.
"Whatever, come on let's go" he responded, again irritated.

Before getting off the desk she picked up his phone and held it towards him.

"Thanks" he said.

He took it and made his way to the door and held it open for Ana, swiftly she made her way out and he followed while closing and locking the door behind him, in which time she had called the lift and held it open for him.

"Soooo, what's the game plan tomorrow?" Ana asked, breaking the silence.
"An announcement in the morning to say a few tournament rules and obviously announcing the start of the tournament" he replied
"Um Seto I have something I need to tell you" Ana nervously said.
"What's that?"
"Well um...I have...well I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I've been helping with the tournament too much so now may be the best time to bring it up-" Ana bumbled.
"Whatever it is just come out with it" Kaiba groaned.
"Well I was told by this lady at the Domino museum that she met you...and well, I'm guessing you did too so I'm just going to come right out and say it...Egyptian God Cards" she stated.
"So, you know about them too?" he sighed.
"Well I know enough..." she replied, partially lying.
"You have a better chance than anyone to get them, and lose them" Kaiba smirked.
"Oh really, why is that?" Ana asked, unamused.
"Because I plan to duel whoever has an Egyptian God Card, and win it off them, thanks to my tracking system on the Duel Disks if a God card is played then I will know...and by the finals I will have all 3...and you will be the lucky one to try and Duel me for them" he informed her.
"I'm not scared, and I plan on beating you Seto, I am the best and I will prove it; just you wait and see, I will be the owner of all 3 Egyptian God Cards" she boasted.
"We'll see, but in order to even get a shot at trying to get the cards you will have to help me track them down, which is why I'm counting on you and Mokuba to keep an eye on the Duels while I maintain the other tasks as well as Duel myself"
"I see, very well; and you don't have to worry about me; I'm aware that I signed a contract that says I can't Duel until the end of the finals" she reminded him.
"Good" he bluntly said.

Ana was in the Limo now and it was a very quiet journey home, once at the mansion Kaiba opened the doors for her.
She thanked him and made her way to her room to get changed.
When she was done she paced up and down thinking about those God Cards, all she knew is that for some reason she really wanted them...badly, but she weren't sure why, she just HAD to have them.

"Those Cards will be mine, I'm the best Duellist in Europe, soon the world...and that will be a day to remember- Oh I need to stop thinking like this, I should...walk, yes, I'll have a walk around the garden" she sighed in frustration.

So, she slipped on some flat shoes which matched your blue night dress nicely and walked out of her room and down the stairs to the back garden.
It was huge, like the house, and was surrounded by a large 4-5ft wall, there were several small and large trees scattered around with a large fountain in the middle and a stone path from the house to and around the fountain with flower patches spread out symmetrically around the whole garden.

"Oh, it's beautiful" she sighed.

She began following the path to the fountain slowly, she looked up into the night sky and smiled at how clear it was; the stars were gleaming, and the crescent moon hung peacefully in the sky.
There was a light breeze and she deeply breathed in the smell of the flowers and smiled to herself.

"Hmm, amazing, smells so lovely" she sighed, dreamily.

Ana carried on walking until she came to the fountain where she then sat down on the edge and let the water collect and fall through her fingers.

"Seto certainly knows how to make everything look beautiful" she smiled.
"Anastasia" said a voice.

Ana gasped and spun around to see Kaiba, still in his usual attire.

"Gosh you scared the life out of me" she gasped holding a hand over her chest.
"What are you doing out here so late?" he asked her.
"Just thought I would get some air, it's been a relatively tiring day" she responded.
"Tomorrow Battle City starts and I for one can't wait, the sooner I get my hands on those God Cards the sooner I can reclaim my title as number one duellist in the world" he boasted.
"Nice to see you have your priorities straight" she sarcastically remarked and rolled her eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" he questioned her.
"Nothing, well...excuse me I'll take my leave" she responded.

With not a second thought she left to go back to her bedroom and settled into bed thinking about tomorrow and all the matches that were in store.

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