Chapter 72 - Capsule Monsters Chapter 7

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Having flown through the glowing doorway in the sky, the group now found themselves at the foot of a volcano surrounded by lava rivers.
The area was dangerous to say the least and they had to be extremely careful.
In spite of that however, Joey insisted that he go and find the clue to complete this challenge, determined to do so he told his friends to rest and when he found something he would be back, so off he went east of their location.

"I don't think that was the wisest course of action" Ana pointed out, shaking her head.
"We should give him the benefit of the doubt" Tea enthused, further pointing out without Joey they may not have made as much progress as they had.

Hopeful of their friend's success the group began contemplating other serious issues they were faced with.
Of which Mr Mouto had pointed out the reason he had come to the pyramid in the first place was to discover who had invented the game and why; but he wasn't the only one who thought that everyone was thinking the same thing.
Ana then noticed Yugi was in deep thought over something.

"Penny for your thoughts Yugi" she sweetly said.
"Huh? Oh well I was just thinking about that guy we met earlier, if what he said was true- that there must be other people playing this game who also want this power he mentioned. They could be anywhere in this world and I just hope they aren't ahead of us" Yugi responded.
"Hmm I see your point, well regardless the best thing we can do is press on so we can get out of here as soon as possible" Ana added.

Suddenly they were interrupted by Tea as she called out to them.

"Hey guys, check it out- anything look familiar?" She asked with a smile, pointing across the lava river to a stone pedestal that had a scroll on it.

Yugi's little face lit up with a smile.

"Yeah that's gotta be our next clue guys!" he enthused.
"Too bad it's on the other side of a lava pit" Tristen pointed out.

With that Tea summoned her dark witch to get the scroll and return it to them, upon doing so Mr Mouto began to translate what was written.

"To gain the prize of thy desire, locate the peak that spits fire. The blade of chaos thou must release, to bring about a lasting peace" he read aloud.

An then instantly turned her head and pointed towards the volcano.

"Obviously that's the thing that spits fire, so what we're looking for must be up there" Ana pointed out.

With their target in mind, they made their way closer and began to scale it, however on their way, a rock jimmied loose and Tristan began falling. But before anyone could do anything there was a bright flash and suddenly Tristan appeared on the back of a thunder dragon.

"Wait, why aren't we using our monsters?" Ana pointed out.

With that everyone summoned monsters to take them to the top, but Yami used his Duel armour and carried Mr Mouto. Ana however summoned her blue eyes to fly her up, and in no time, they were all drawing closer to the top.
As they did so they saw what appeared to be the handle of a blade sticking out of the volcano.

"Hey is that what I think it is?" Tea asked.
"If you're thinking what I'm thinking then I think so" Tristan responded.
"It must be the blade of chaos from the riddle" Yami explained.
"Well if it is then we need to release it to bring about peace, which must be in relation to all the lava flowing from this monstrosity" Mr Mouto reiterated.
"Does that mean if we pull that blade out the volcano will stop erupting?" Tea asked.
"Yup and we ace the test" Tristen confirmed.

At the base of the volcano they stopped, Yami insisted to go up there and try and retrieve the sword, while everyone else waited behind.

"Careful Pharaoh" Ana whispered.

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