Chapter 48

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"So, tell me gentlemen, what do you think of my new soldiers, I'm sure I don't need to introduce them" Dartz mocked.

"Just stop the magic act and Duel!" Seto demanded.

"But we are duelling you insensitive twit, we're just doing it by my rules that's all. And since I control the souls of your formed friends I thought it would be fun for them to play with us" Dartz continued to torment on.

"Leave them alone!" Tea screamed.

"You should be thanking me, I'm giving you once last chance to see your companions before I take them away forever" Dartz responded.

"You'll never take them away from us Dartz!"

"That's right Pharaoh, let your anger consume you, feel the darkness within you begin to spread, the stronger the darkness the more powerful the beast will be when it absorbs you!" Dartz threatened.

Adding further insult to injury, Dartz commanded the stone faced Yugi to attack Yami, Yugi looked like he was trying to refuse, it was tough to watch. So, nothing happened as a result.
But Seto did not let this phase him, instead he decided to attack Mai, and was in denial about it all; the fist attack destroyed her shield, the second would have cleared her from the field, but Joey stood before her and sacrificed his shield as a result.

The sad truth here was Yami needed to wipe out either Joey or Mai and in doing this was the only way for them to be able to win the Duel and save the world. But he refused and passed on his turn.
But come Kaiba's turn, did he manage to destroy Yugi's shield in Kaiba's attempt to destroy Joey.

Things were looking grim as Kaiba was down to 600 life points, but Yami was still reluctant to attack.

"You have to attack, we'll be fine, you have to do this" Yugi pleaded.
"Oh Yugi" Ana sighed sadly.

But Yami did not attack and simply put a card face down.
After that move, a surprising guest appeared on the scene, Raphael had entered.
He said to Dartz how he was freed from the Seal and that he was back to his purity, having been reminded by the Pharaoh that there were more important things in life.
Dartz however was saying that everyone is evil and that Raphael was no different from everyone else on Earth.

Dartz then went onto explain how Valon, Alistair and Raphael were hand picked by Dartz, who managed to manipulate them into joining him.
Alastair held a powerful rage against Kaiba because his step father had provided military weapons that were used to kill civilians, one of which was his little brother.
But the truth was, it was not Gorzoboro Kaiba but Dartz in disguise.
As for love sick Valon, Dartz framed him for a crime he committed when he was 9 years of age.
As for poor Raphael, Dartz was the one that destroyed the ship Raphael and his family were on on his birthday, killing his family.

The rage of the 3 men was enough to set off their inner rage and anger, that very thing was enough to cause Raphael to scream in rage, causing the Orichalcos to return and surround Raphael.

"No one even played that card!" Ana noticed.

Yami pleaded with Raphael to control himself, but...that failed as the seal exploded and with-it taking Raphael's soul.
Tea, Mokuba and Tristan ran over to see to Raphael, but it was too late, he was gone.

But as if things couldn't get any worse...Dartz then summoned a 3rd ring to the seal or Orichalcos.
This layer increased his life points further, making things even harder, but it also stopped Kaiba from being able to stop anything with his magic or traps cards.
As a result of this Yami was forced to save Kaiba from an attack and leave himself wide open, each of his friends had attacked him.
Yami fell to his knees.

"Pharaoh!" Ana lovingly called out.
"I'm fine Ana" he called back to her and smiled.

Things were even more tense now, and Kaiba was still down to 600 points.
But not before pulling out his trump card, the fang of Critius, fusing it with a Trap card from Yami, creating Mirror Force Dragon.
With little choice, Seto decided to attack Pegasus, destroying his shield, triggering his dragon's ability, allowing him to absorb the attack and targeting all the knights on the field.

"You can't scare me with a couple of reprogrammed holograms!" Seto screamed.

Convinced that this was not real, it was just technology.
In attacking them a rainbow of shower covered the 3 knights and they all vanished from sight.
Yami was relieved knowing that his friends were now safe.
But the victory was short lived as Dartz was able to summon a creature with 20,000 attack points.
As a result of this...Kaiba's Dragon was destroyed and Seto was hit, clearing his down to 0.

"Seto!" Ana screamed and ran to the shield and began banging on it.
"I'm not done" Seto uttered.

With the last of his strength he was able to play one final Trap card, which increased Yami's to 4300.

"It's called 'wish of final effort' it converts every one of my Dragons attack points into your life points Yugi" he said with his last breath and fell to his knees.

Mokuba ran to the shield and began banging on it too.

"Oh god no!" Ana cried.

Mokuba leapt into Ana's arms and cried into her chest.

"Since I'm done with him, you can have the rest!" Dartz evilly said and sent Seto flying out of the shield and landing before Mokuba and the others.

A sudden vibration of the ground caused everyone to get pushed back, knocking them all out.

"Poor Pharaoh, you're all alone now" Dartz chuckled.
"You're insane!"
"Now all I wanted was for us to have some alone time, is that so wrong?" Dartz mocked.
"He...he's not alone!" Ana called out and shrugged to her feet.
"I'm still standing" she gasped and just about supported her weight up.
"Well, she really is something Pharaoh, much like she used to be"
"What do you mean?" Yami demanded.
"You and I met 5000 years ago when you were King of Egypt. We may not have been officially introduced but I was watching you. When the battle of Atlantis ended, I thought the Great Leviathan was gone forever, that is until I met you" Dartz began to explain.
"Hold on, what does that evil creature of yours have to do with me?!"

A flash of light and suddenly everything around them transformed around them.

"Oh my God!" Ana gasped.

Below them was Ancient Egypt 5000 years ago, everything was so primitive. Stone houses, monuments of the Egyptian Gods and the icing on the cake...was Yami there in ancient times and next to him Kaiba dressed as a Priest, and beside him...a young woman with dark skin dressed in what appeared to be the same clothing as someone from a royal family...but who was she?

"Tell me, is that really me in the ancient past?" Yami asked.

Ana's eyes were in disbelief as she watched Yami in ancient time summon Obelisk and destroy another monster.
It was astonishing, and Dartz revealed that he knew he could bring back the beast thanks to the power Yami had.
The scene changed showing that Yami had control over all 3 Egyptian gods after some dark snake tailed creature.
Dartz had accused Yami of being evil, using creatures in his past to be called forward and fight for him, it was then Dartz claimed that he would be able to use his and his friends souls to summon the great beast.

"T...this is didn't believe it but now...I...can see what happened- this couldn't possibly be a trick" Ana stuttered to understand. 

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